Friday, August 12, 2011

Week at a Glance

Okay this blog thing is becoming more like a journal for me so I don't doubt that it's dreadfully boring for anyone else to read but whatev. ;) On Monday I just worked and then rented a movie for Marshal and I to watch and it totally sucked. Don't watch Takers, snorefest of the century. then I made black bean, corn, and chicken quesadillas for dinner. Mmm Mmm. I thankfully didn't have to work on Tuesday so I started the day with a bike ride and some P90x. Then we (Jacie, the girls and me) went up to Veyo to spend the day swimming and for me, getting burnt. It was sooo much fun though. I love that area, the trees, blackberry bushes, canyons, it's all so pretty. Marshal and his Dad came up after work and we had a very unhealthy dinner consisting of corndogs, hamburgers, fries, and ice cream haha. Yikes. On Wednesday, I had to work all day and then we went to dinner at Wade and Jacie's house yet again. I swear we should be giving them grocery money haha. But she cooked up her venison and it was delicious. :) I hope I can cook as good as she does someday. Seriously. Thursday, I was off again. Can I just tell you how much I love not working everyday haha. Anyways, I went on a pretty tough bike ride, did P90x and cleaned the house up, shipped the three text books I sold!, and cleaned the guest bedroom and Wade and Jacie's house. I got home just in time to see the cutest face I've ever seen. :) Love that boy. I made BBQ chicken and bacon calzones for dinner and then Marshal took me to the fair for a cute little date. Unfortunately, it was dreadfully hot (welcome to St. George) so we didn't stay long. Marshal blew ten bucks throwing darts at balloons and got Lady some new chew toys that she's already destroyed haha. The Carnies around here have gotten more and more sketchy with the passing years. I'm talking toothless, likely high on meth, disgusting, scary guys. Anyways, we didn't let the fun stop there! :) We decided to go play mini golf at Fiesta Fun. Talk about flashback! We played our 18 holes and then spent almost an hour with four dollars in the arcade haha now that's talent. Actually the reason we spent so little was because that place has gone to crap. The games are almost all broken so we spent our time playing skeeball on one machine. It was surprisingly fun. :) We cashed in our tickets for some pettier than I remember them being, prizes. That place was so huge and exciting when I was little but it's more pathetic than anything now haha. We decided to keep with the theme of reminiscing and went to Baskin Robbins where we both used to go when we were little. We got way too big of ice creams and it was so worth it. :) It was the most fun we've had in a while and it was definitely needed. Today, I woke up early to go babysit for about an hour and then went to work. The plan for the evening is to have homemade orange chicken rice bowls, possibly go cut up  the wood at Marshal's Dad's house or just hang out and relax, depending on how tired Marshal is. I have to work most of the day tomorrow which sucks but I only work for a few hours on Sunday and then I'm off everyday except for Thursday next week and it's off to Panguitch next weekend for a last hurrah before school starts the following Tuesday! Life is getting more and more crazy everyday and I'm loving it! Whoo, that's a wrap.

The fair. :) If only you could see my super cute shirt!

Big Winners! ;)

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Update, finally!

Where to begin... It's been almost a month since I've sat down and devoted time to this blog and I've missed it! I have been so ridiculously busy, the days fly by and I can hardly remember everything that's happened this month without looking at my event calendar. Here goes my attempt to catch you all up on my life. :) Starting with July 15-17: We went to Panguitch lake with Marshal's Dad's family and his friends. We took the boat and Marshal's Dad bought us both brand new fishing poles that are soooo nice. We ended up catching six huge fish that weekend! We also had the most delicious ribs ever from a little lake restaurant up there and had it out with a couple of hippies. Some people are just so selfish, rude and inconsiderate, I hope you never have to come in contact with these particular ones. Oh well, the weekend was a blast still and it was so great to get away and enjoy the cool weather up there. That next week was my first week of work at Old Navy and I don't think there was a single day that I left without a bag in hand. Gap Inc. thinks they're paying me but it's really all going back to the store, oopsies. Walking around checking out and folding all of the clothes makes it nearly impossible to leave without something haha gotta kick that habit fast before I'm broke. This sounds pathetic but that job is pretty exhausting especially when I've got a full shift on the sales floor. Walking, bending, climbing ladders and staying perky enough to greet and help customers really takes a lot out of a girl, at least me haha I'm definitely not made to be in retail for the rest of my life. Halelujah. It's fun and a good experience for now. :) That weekend was Marshal's birthday weekend and boy did he know it. ;) He got a credit card earlier in the week and bought himself a PS3 for his birthday. (Gift #1) I woke him up at Midnight on Friday the 22nd and gave him a little book that I put together called "Those 3 Words". Inside, it had twenty pages of the words, "I love you" in a variety of different languages. The last page said iLoveyou with an Apple symbol and just as he read that page, I pulled out the iPhone I bought him. I don't know if it was the fact that it was the middle of the night and we were both dead tired, or if he really was that excited but he LOVED it. I thought it was a pretty genius idea and it did play out perfectly so his birthday started off great. :) I got up with him to make his lunch like every other day and he went to work. I had to work but only until two that day so I came home and made him a cake and a cookie cake to celebrate with later that night. When he got home we went to dinner at Wing Nutz which is like a bar/restaurant place with the most delicious food ever! I didn't think it would be that great but it turned out to be way more than I expected. New favorite date night food. :) Then we took the cakes that I made and decorated over to his Dad's house to do cake and ice cream with the family since Nelson was in town too. His Dad and Jacie gave him a new tackle box full of fishing stuff to go along with our fancy new fishing poles. (#2) Nelson got him Call of Duty (#3) and Skull Candy headphones (#4). Spoiled, right? :) He deserves every bit of it though. We lit off fireworks that night and then came home and Nelson and Marshal stayed up all night playing cod while I of course, crashed. :) On Saturday, I made what Marshal would call the absolute best thing he's ever eaten, orange rolls. And I'll admit, they were pretty freakin good. He was practically bowing down to me for them though. I love cooking these days and I really love trying to recipes and having them be great. :) On Saturday, I had to work for a few hours and then we went to his Dad's for a barbecue and then went and got a glacier at Frostop and walked around at the park where there just happened to be a concert that night. Perfect. <3 It was a great weekend and I hope a great birthday for him because he deserves nothing short of the best. Okay the next week went pretty routine, I worked, Marshal worked, I hung out with Jacie and the girls on my days off and made some pretty tasty dinners. Unfortunately, my grandpa got sick that week with an abscess on his colon requiring some pretty intensive surgery. He didn't recover very well at first and was like a whole different person in the way he acted and talked. He was chronically confused and angry which is nothing like him at all. Once he got out of the hospital, my Grandma had to move him into a care center in Mesquite because he required 24/7 care and she just couldn't do it all. He's still there right now and my poor Grandma is struggling so much with the whole thing. He is definitely less confused now and his sweet personality is back but you can tell that there's still something not right. Hopefully he'll continue to recover and be back home this week. Everything happens for a reason right? I'm just glad it's not permanent and that he is getting better. I don't know what I'd do if he wasn't around. Love that adorable guy. :) Beginning Wednesday of that week, the Sip family reunion was in full swing. I went up to Cedar early that day to clean out the apartment and hang out with my Mom, Grandma and Aunt Nickie. I've never cleaned so much in my life, it was exhausting! Marshal and the whole fam came up later to go watch the green show and then move our couches down here. Thursday after work, we had dinner at the Toquerville Park with the Sips and just visited for a couple hours. Friday was Quail Lake night where we had dinner and played in the water until it was too dark to see. On Saturday, we all went out to Veyo Pool and had a campsite right on the creek reserved for the day. It was absolutely gorgeous! I could live there if no one else did haha. There's a pool that is filled with Spring water and drained every single night, a snack bar, and a crawdad filled creek in a tall canyon with rope bridges across it. I fell in love with it. We swam and played in the creek all day and had a dutch oven dinner that night. On Sunday, Marshal and I went to Snow Canyon State Park to finally complete the final project for my Geology class. It was actually a lot prettier and more interesting that I ever thought it would be. I spent the rest of the day writing the report while Marshal and Nelson played Cod haha. Okay we're getting close to real time... This last week was pretty hectic, I don't think I got to sit down for a minute until now. I didn't work Monday but there was plenty to do around the house. First, I went for a bike ride, I forgot how much of a workout that really is! Then I cleaned like crazy, did laundry and got ready for dinner at Marshal's Dad's house for his Uncle's birthday. I worked all day long on Tuesday and Wednesday which left me dead as can be haha. On Thursday I went school clothes shopping with Jacie and the girls and went to lunch with my love, then visited Marshal's Grandma in the hospital. We had dinner over at his Dad's house again that night because we were figuring out where to build their chicken coop for the cute little beebee chickies they got! I had to work again on Friday and then did some more shopping with Jacie and the girls afterwards and got frozen yogurt. We woke up bright and early (I'm talking 5:30 am) on Saturday to go out to Modena and get a load of firewood with Marshal and his Dad, Jacie and the girls. We explored the mountain and land that Wade owns out there, had a picnic, and then headed back down into Enterprise because Jacie had a Doe tag she needed to fill. We had dinner at this cute retro hamburger joint and then went on the hunt. It didn't take very long though, she shot the first one we saw and it was down. I stayed back and played with the girls while they did the dirty work. If anyone is still reading, it's today! Marshal and I went on a tough bike ride this morning. I didn't think I would make it back home haha but he's got legs of steel that force me to keep up. :) He's a good workout buddy, if only he had time to workout more often. We got back home and Marshal's grandparents came down from Pine Valley. We visited with them because we haven't seen them in so long and then went to Costco with them. Seriously forgot how awesome that place is, we're definitely getting a membership haha I wish I was kidding. We got Jack in the box for lunch and had cake for John's birthday. Marshal and John have been playing the Wii John got from his parents, they're so cute. In other news, I'm officially done with all of my online classes and I couldn't be more stoked! Hello summer? Haha too bad school starts in two weeks. Also, Lady is the cutest dog ever, We're hoping to go see The Little Mermaid this week or next at Tuacahn, I'm going on a serious health food craze, I miss my Mama and being able to go to her house three times a day but I'm loving having Jacie to hang out with when Marshal works. Blu-ray movies are incredibly better that dvd's and I really have the best boyfriend in the world. He does more for me than I could ever ask of anyone and he loves me on top of it all. Life is going at crazy speed right now but I'm loving every minute of it and I wouldn't trade a single second of it for the world. I'm really going to put in an effort to do this more often although it's been fun reminiscing on the last few weeks haha. I'll work on getting some pictures up. I'm so happy. :)