Thursday, July 7, 2011


I've been crazy busy lately so forgive me for falling behind on the bloggy. :) We went to Navajo Lake last weekend with Marshal's stepmom's family, it is so gorgeous up there! We had our own campsite and set up our little tent and had a great view of the lake with all the trees. Seriously, if you ever need to get away to somewhere peaceful and relaxing, head up there. We played frisbee, went fishing, hiked around, took naps, ate delicious meals and of course roasted marshmallows for smore's. Unfortuantely Lady went into heat the day we left and well, it's just disgusting. I felt so bad for her the whole time we were up there though because not only was she on her period which just sucks, she was throwing up and pooping like crazy. She was miserable but snapped out of it after the first day or so. Marshal's dad took their little fishing boat up to the lake and I caught a fish! It was wayyy too exciting haha. Oh I forgot to brag about these delicious cookies I made before we left, I made them from scratch (which I'm getting pretty good at) and they had mini reese's cups in them. To say the least, I think the whole three dozen were inhaled within an hour. While we were just sitting around one of the days, my cute boyfriend went and found me a walking stick to carve. It entertained me for a couple hours and turned out pretty cool haha. We packed up camp on Monday morning after one last fishing trip in the boat with Marshal's little sisters. When we got home, I immediately checked my grades for the result of my Math 2010 final and I got a 97%! I got an A in the class and I couldn't be happier that it's finally over. :) After an extra long shower to rid ourselves of the stench of nature and filth that we acquired, we went to my Mom's to hang out and do laundry and one other chore... After we started laundry, we went to Chili's for dinner and then hit Wal-Mart for groceries then went back to my Mom's. Anyways, that chore turned out to be a pain haha. We bought electric clippers at Wal-Mart and decided to shave Lady. Oh boy. I've never seen so much hair in my entire life, no exaggeration. It took us a good hour at least and she did not like it. While she was definitely better behaved than we expected, it was still no where near easy. My nephews Titus and Ryan and my niece Jasmine are at my Mom's for the week so we set off fireworks after that and watched the real fireworks. :) It was fun and the kids loved the sparklers and "flowers". Then we came home and started the week all over, preparing for an early morning for Marshal and a stressful week for me. I worked for a few hours on Tuesday morning and then picked up Jasmine to come over to the apartment and make a cookie cake for Nickie since it was her 50th birthday. We made little Chef shirts to cook in and dove into a new recipe. :) Jasmine had a ton of fun helping put it all together and sneak a few bites of dough. The extra large cookie turned out great and once in cooled, we took to decorating it. :) I did the writing and then Jasmine did the rest of the frosting. It was such a great idea and I'm so glad we did it. Nickie was surprised and thrilled with it and my Grandma and Grandpa thought it was the coolest thing ever. That night, I came back home and packed the majority of the house! I continued the next morning and I'm shocked at how much I got done. Packing got me soooo excited for the move, I can't wait! Yesterday, I just worked and hung out with the kids. They're seriously so freaking funny, they had me laughing all night long and the fact that my mom was trying to make them calm down made it even more hilarious. Today, I am loving the fact that I finally get to sleep in but now I'll pack some more and maybe work on my online classes (yeah right) and then go to work. I promised the kids that I would sleep over there tonight so I'll be either entertaining or being entertained for the rest of the evening. :) I wish my family lived closer sooo badly. Then tomorrow, Marshal and I are driving up to Salt Lake for Cassie's wedding reception and then driving back late that night so we can move our stuff to St. George on Saturday and move stuff from the new house out to Pine Valley as well. Busy weekend? I think so but it'll be fun and over before we know it. I'm just loving life and where it's taking us. I think the most comforting fact in the world is that I'm not going anywhere alone, I'll always have the most perfect guy right by my side. <3
The view from right below our campsite. Isn't it gorgeous?!

Not the best picture but it's the only one I got. :) Love him.

So picture perfect, until he threw her in haha.

Chef Jasmine and her Chef Auntie Holly.
So cute. :)

The finished product and it was sooo yummy.
Better than cake if you ask me. :)

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