Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Not a teen!

It's official, I'm no longer a teen and Marshal is cougar chaser for the next month. ;) It's been such a great birthday week thanks to a few of my favorite people, I'm so glad that my birthday justifies having so much fun! My cutesy sister, brother in law and niece and nephew came up last Wednesday to spend almost a whole week with us! The only way it could've been better is if I didn't have to work but oh well, we still got to have a ton of fun. Let's see, starting with Wednesday: that was the only day I cooked all week haha but I made dinner for everyone and once they arrived, it was the "see how fast we can show them the whole house without burning dinner" game because we were so excited to have company. :) We had bought them a new bed set for the spare room and all new bathroom stuff as well, it's so fun having a  SPARE bedroom and bathroom! Anyways... Thursday, Marshal and I still had to work which totally sucked but it was so fun going home to company and of course dinner haha. I don't think it was much of a vacation for them because they spent the whole time shopping and a lot of it for our house. I could never thank them enough. It's not that we needed anything desperately, or at least we didn't think so but they were way too generous in filling up our house and mostly the kitchen. :) Also, Jason and Marshal were doing projects on the house pretty much everyday which probably wasn't very relaxing but it was verrrry productive! Jason and Jodi made the best dinner on Thursday because they brought up the world famous Blythe carne asada and chicken. Oh how I've missed it! Also, Jason made the absolute best spanish rice I've ever had and Marshal would definitely agree being the huge rice lover that he is haha. After work on Friday, we did a little Best Buy shopping and Jodi got a new camera which I am SO excited about for her. I love her photography and I love that she loves doing it. We bought a few new movies too and then went home and watched Men of Honor and had some ice cream. :) On Saturday, Jasmine came back from visiting Jaymie in Mesquite and Jason and Marshal ripped all of our baseboards and molding off of the walls because we're getting our house painted hopefully within a couple weeks. In the meantime, we went shopping so I could get a few little things for myself for my birthday and get stuff for dinner. We made dinner as soon as we got home because Jodi, Jasmine and I had to get ready to go to Tuacahn to see Hairspray. We were sooo excited all day we couldn't hardly contain ourselves when we got there. Jasmine loves the movie so we were excited to see how she would react to the show. We had the most awesome seats we could have had thanks to my awesome sister. We were front and center just three rows from the stage and in the VIP section with comfy seats and even free water bottles that we were way too excited about haha. The play was so awesome and it was so fun to see Jasmine just thrilled the entire time. It was opening night so there were a couple glitches but that made the play even more fun. During one of the scenes, there was somebody backstage who didn't turn their microphone off and burped sooo loud. It interrupted one of the actresses and nobody could keep their composure. Everyone on stage was laughing and couldn't stop for probably a good minute haha it was hilarious. Then it started getting really windy and one of the gigantic prop televisions became dangerously loose so they had to stop the play with only like 15 minutes left in order to move that section of people and take down the screen. In the meantime, one of the actors took on stand up comedy and kept us all surprisingly entertained. After probably 20 minutes and a very stressful removal, the show was back on. Once the show was over, we met the actors and actresses out in the plaza so Jasmine could take pictures with all of them. I thought it was hilarious because the main guy totally thought he was hot shit and then when we saw them up close he was totally cross eyed hahaha so funny. All of the actors were really good at their parts though, it exceeded my expectations for sure. By that time, it was like 12:30 and the boys were at home playing video games but eager to go to bed as soon as we got there, at least Marshal haha. We're just not used to being up late with friends! :) Sunday morning, we picked up my dad and took him with us to Mesquite for a little Pre-birthday brunch with the fam at Lindy's house. It was really nice to visit with everyone and I'm glad we got to hang out for a while. Then we went home and Jasmine and I started baking dessert while Jodi made potato salad for the bbq at Marshal's dad's house. It was so nice of them to have us over and they made a delicious dinner. I'm glad my sister was down to meet some of his family, since they're pretty much all I've got in the way of family here. However the visit was cut a little short because we had to be able to make it to Home Depot before it closed because part of our fence blew down in the little wind storm we had the night before. Oh! Side note, we got a free block wall along on side of our backyard, Score! Anyways, the boys headed to Home Depot and we went back home. Jasmine and I made homemade ice cream and did laps around the house shaking it until it was done haha. The rest of the night was super relaxing, Jodi and I just hanging out playing on the iPads and the guys were outside until like 10:30 fixing the fence haha. They're so awesome. :) Also, I just want to say how happy I am that they get along and are cool with hanging out for a week. I'm glad that Marshal is comfortable around my family and that they like him and everything, especially my brother because he's somewhat of a father figure although much younger and cooler, I feel like he has taken a lot of responsibility in my family and in particular with me after my dad got sick. I really appreciate all that he does for me, Marshal and the rest of the family. I know I'd be lost without him and he does so much for my sister and he's the cutest dad ever, our family just wouldn't be the same if he wasn't part of it. By the way, cutest kids ever. Jasmine and I have always had a pretty close relationship and I've always loved it but the baby is starting to be the same way and I couldn't be happier. Coming home to his adorable little face saying "Auntie Holly!" and giving me the biggest hug made me forget about anything bad that happened during the day. Already missing that so much. They are so much fun to be with and unfortunately are growing up so quick! Okay so Monday was my birthday and they woke up to make me pink pancakes, my favorite! I did have to work but I got a couple good deals so I was okay with it in the end, especially because the end came a couple hours earlier than normal, thanks bossman! :) We went to Texas Roadhouse for dindin and it was deeeelicious although really, ribeyes are hard to eat at least for me. Semi-retarded.... We ran home really quick because we had a few minutes before the show and I just couldn't go any longer without my birthday present, it was killing me! After some much built up suspense, Marshal brought out a big box and what was in it? A freaking Kitchenaid!!!!!! I couldn't believe it and I still can't believe it. I am SO STOKED. I have been wanting one for so long and I'm so excited to use it...everyday. :) Jasmine also got me the coolest brownie pan ever and they made me a "donut" cake. So great. Okay we ran out the door to get to Tuacahn to see Aladdin! Oh man, we were all so excited, even Marshal. :) It certainly did not disappoint us either. It was super cute and really entertaining, they did a little ad-libbing and were pretty freaking funny. The Genie was awesome and was Marshal's favorite haha he was so excited to take a picture with him. He's so cute. Jasmine got to take a picture with Jasmine and she thought it was the coolest thing ever. The little things that bring them so much joy. :) We got home and just had to have birthday cake and sing one more time, what's a birthday without that? Now here I sit at work with swollen eyes both from lack of sleep and crying because my family won't be at the house when I get home tonight. It's been the best week having family here with me finally. It's been far too long and Marshal and I have both genuinely enjoyed having people in the house and it finally felt like we had friends haha. They did way too much for us, we could never repay them enough. I'm so thankful for my family and that Jason and Jodi were able to spend the week with us. I just feel like crying all day and I probably will pick it back up as soon as I get off work haha, I hate not having them close enough to randomly have them over for dinner or just to hang out. It's been a little bit of a dream this last week and I hate to see it end. My family is the freaking bomb. On another note, Marshal is the best, cutest boyfriend in the world. He's so cute with the kids and he treated me like a princess all day yesterday. He is so perfect, I'm so blissfully happy. Thank you to everyone who made my birthday one to remember!
Hello twenties!

Monday, June 4, 2012

2 years!

Bliss. I wish that was the only word I could use to describe the last two years but really, what relationship is purely bliss? Truth is, it's been crazy! We've had ups and downs, good days and bad days but hardly a day apart and I wouldn't have it any other way. Since high school graduation we have been what many call, "connected at the hip". Let me tell you, so much has happened since the day we heard our names called and our hats flew but one thing still remains the same, we're in love. Now more than ever. It isn't always easy but worth it? Always. Enough sap, let's get to the fun we had this last weekend. :) First of all, this has nothing to do with our anniversary but I went to breakfast to kiss my cute little friend Mickelle goodbye before she left for northern Utah... She'll be back and I can't wait. :) Okay back to us and our weekend...We left Friday after work and headed out to Gunlock reservoir for a little relaxing weekend of camping and fishing on the lake. So we thought... We got there too late to put the boat in the water and therefore too late to drive the boat to the other side of the lake to camp, suck. We headed back down the road desperately hoping to find a spot somewhere to pitch the tent.. what? hahaha. Anyways, we found this cute little area right off of the river that stems from the lake. It was in a canyon and it was even sandy like a real beach! We went with it and set up camp very quickly because we were freaking starving. We celebrated the day with a little bit of Captain Jack Sparrow's drink of choice. ;) and way too much of it, might I add. At least for me and with a very empty stomach. No fun. Good thing my awesome bf watched his intake a little more closely and his hamburger shot his buzz right down haha. Let's sum it up by saying I was completely out of my mind, hating my life and I have small red spots on my face from a bursted blood vessel thanks to excessive hurling. Happy Anniversary! I don't understand how it's fun. I just don't get it. Thankfully, I felt back to my normal self the next morning so it didn't ruin the whole weekend. :) We packed up camp at the butt crack of dawn (7:00 am) and went back to the lake to launch the boat and do what we went to do! We found the cutest spot at the lake with a big tree right by the water, a couple of tables and a nice little beach to hang out on. This little spot was really cute until it hit about 100 degrees. Then we were loving that tree and our camp chairs nestled into the water. We took the boat out to fish which failed so we decided to jump in the water to cool off. Cool off we did! That water was frigid. It was fun though. :) We spent the rest of the afternoon just totally relaxed in the shady water with Lady having the time of her life. Marshal trained her to not be afraid of the water by rewarding her with chips and by the time we left, she was chasing and stomping on crawdads neck deep in the water! We were such proud little parents haha. We decided that we just wanted to go home instead of camping another night, we were worn out. We packed everything into the boat, went for one last ride and loaded it up. As soon as we got home, we fought for the shower and were actively focused on just staying awake the rest of the evening haha. Marshal downed an excessive amount of ice cream and then we ordered Hungry Howies. It was delicious. Especially followed by a long night of good sleep. :) Sunday, Marshal finished laying the tile in our bathroom while I did a lot of cleaning. It'll take a few days to make sure everything is in tip top shape for my sissy! :) We got everything put away and clean for the most part and then we went to see Wade. Their cat just had kitties the night before and they were soooo tiny! I really hate cats but it was so adorable, I couldn't believe it. Marshal just couldn't leave them alone, he is such an animal lover haha it's cute. :) Then we went to Target to get supplies to set up the spare bedroom and bathroom for our company. Cute stuff too! That night, we went and checked out Pepper's Cantina for dinner and it was so delicious! Really close to the best Mexican we've had here so far. We won't be strangers. ;) The night was concluded with a routine trip to Walmart and a couple homemade cherry shakes. T'was a good weekend to commemorate the best two years of my life and hopefully his too. :) Looking forward to the next who knows how many years but we'll take it one day at a time for now. Oh! I forgot one thing. We decided that we would just get cards for each other and consider the camping trip as our "gift". Good idea we though especially because both of our birthdays are coming up and we're constantly pouring money into house projects which is way more fun anyways. :) So what does he do? Buys me 5 different cards. They all were perfect in that it was like they were made based off of our relationship. So hilarious, I loved every one of them. He just couldn't resist and had to buy me The Vow too. :) No complaints coming from me. He's the best. It's been a great weekend and it's officially my birthday week! That means I'm in charge, if only I was taken seriously haha. Can't wait to see my family this week and celebrate my birthday at Tuacahn watching Aladdin. Stoked! Will have plenty to update after the rest of the week's events. Until then... Loving the life I live. <3

Bye Mickelle! Can't wait for you to move back!

Fishin' boat. :)

Love him. <3

Baby Lady, not so photogenic...

Friday, May 25, 2012

Too much to tell

Now it's been almost a year since I've logged in to blog... Oops. There is no way that I could possibly write about everything that has happened but I do think a little update is in order. First, work: Old Navy is so far out of the picture and I'm glad to be done with that. I really miss the girls I worked with but I just couldn't handle the drama anymore. Once I quit there, my "best boyfriend there could ever be" supported me for about four months while I finished out the semester and lived completely stress free. :) That got old though especially as summer began to approach. Right now I can say that I have had 4 different jobs in the last month. What struggling economy? ;) I first got a job at Sears and I don't know why in the world I thought I would like it because I just hate retail! Lasted for about two weeks but I was looking for jobs the entire time. Then I got a job at the cutest little frozen yogurt place that there has ever been. It's out here in Ivins (Where we live now! More on that later.) and it's owned by the cutest family ever. They were so nice and made me feel like I was just one of their kids and I loved it. They couldn't offer me very many hours but I got another part time job at an insurance agency pretty much being a telemarketer. That boss was the froyo boss's friend so I just felt really comfortable working for the both of them. I knew that scheduling wouldn't be so fun though so I didn't stop looking for jobs; really seeking a full time position for the summer. The second day after I started at the insurance agency, I interviewed at OTRA Protection and got the job. It's full time and pays $1500 base plus comission. As you can probably guess, I accepted that job offer and had to go to the other two bosses and quit. That was honestly the hardest thing I've had to do in a long time. I don't know why it was so hard but I hated everything about it. I didn't want to disappoint either of them and I was so happy working for them that I was somewhat sad that I got the full time job. I was really nervous about selling extended car warranties because that's nothing that I ever pictured myself doing. Ever. I started training there and felt like I was catching on pretty quickly. It's an inbound call center so I just answer calls, I don't call people which is muuuuch easier. They keep telling me that I'm the best new person they ever could have hired and I'm doing surprisingly well actually. I've gotten a decent amount of deals and I'm surprised at how well I can talk to people on the phone and get them to buy into what I'm saying haha. I seriously love my job now. Not because I get to talk to the most retarded people all over America everyday (there are A LOT of stupid people out there) but because I love the work environment. I love the people I work with, they're all really nice and freaking funny. I spend most of the day laughing, at least when the phones are slow. Plus since the majority of them are guys, they eat all the baked goods that I can't seem to stop making and that prevents me from being 500 pounds! Woo! My boss tells me pretty much everyday how good I'm doing and they're so easy to talk to and ask for help. They're really personable and it seems that they genuinely care about me, it's a nice change. The only thing I don't like is the schedule being Monday through Friday 10 to 7. I love the no weekend business but I really miss making dinner haha I know that's weird but it's true! My boss promises me that my schedule will be changing soon though so no complaints. :)  I am quickly realizing that loving your job makes all the difference. Of course the money is great but working for money alone is miserable. Onto my schooling: First and foremost, it's out for the summer! Yes! Oh by the way, I've transferred from SUU down to Dixie, I'm soooo over driving up to Cedar. I have now technically completed my associates degree but don't have the actual diploma because I haven't been at Dixie long enough. I still think it counts. :) I've been accepted into the College of Education at Dixie and I start the program courses in the Fall with 16 credits and an all day practicum in the elementary schools once a week. Now let's address my stupidity... So it's finals week and we're moving the week before right? (still to come) Of course we don't have internet access so I don't have the chance to check my Dixie email to see that one of my teachers decided to switch the day of our final to Monday morning instead of Wednesday morning. Guess who totally spaced one of only three finals she had to attend? Yeah... oops! Somehow I still pulled off a B in that class haha. Everyone makes mistakes, right? I got A's in all of my other classes which should really help with the scholarship I applied for. Anyways, I've got just two years left including the semester of student teaching and it's all laid out for me, that's a stress relief! I'm sooo excited to start really getting into teaching and especially to get real life experience in the schools. More exciting stuff now... We bought a house! After an excruciatingly long 8 months living with Marshal's uncle, we got out! Let me just tell you, that was miserable. Don't get me wrong, I really appreciate that we had somewhere nice to stay and save money but it just turned into an awful situation pretty quickly. We decided to just go to the bank on a whim and see what we could qualify for, not thinking that we could ever buy a house. We were extremely surprised to say the least! We immediately started looking at houses and soon after realized that any actual house with a yard that was in our price range were pretty much either short sales or foreclosures which meant a long time before moving. We kept looking with the "help" of our agent who was really not of any assistance except to use her little key to get us into houses that we wanted to look at. I'd say we looked at maybe 4 or 5 houses and we really loved one of them. It was a short sale and it already had multiple offers so we submitted our offer and continued looking. I was checking the internet every morning and calling our agent and Marshal with anything that looked interesting. One morning I saw a couple of new listings in Ivins and called Rachel (our agent) and texted Marshal while he was at work. Rachel said that we should look at it immediately and get our offer in that morning if we liked it. Here I am, stressing that we've got to go right now and Marshal won't text back or answer his phone. So on my way to look at the house, I surprised him at work and told him about it and we were off! We weren't super stoked on the idea of living so far out of town but we couldn't rule anything out at this point. We showed up at the house and were not too impressed at all. The stucco was a gross peachy color and the front yard had rocks, cactuses and weeds. I don't know if I should say fortunately here or not but the fence was blown down so we walked through the huge side yard and found the back door to be open and since Rachel hadn't arrived yet, we just let ourselves in. :) The place was kind of really a huge wreck. The owners had abandoned it and that was very obvious. Luckily while we were at the house, the selling agent just happened to stop by to put the for sale sign out in the front yard and he explained why they were selling it at what seemed to be a herendous price for the condition of the house and property. He made it clear that the list price was set for after they put 20 thousand dollars into fixing it up. However, he said that if we wanted to fix it up ourselves, he would knock that much off the price. That changed everything! That turned this sad, dirty house into a blank canvas for us to create whatever kind of environment we wanted to. Soon after our agent showed up, we followed her back to her office and put in our offer. We knew there would be multiple offers because that's just how it was with any house in our price range, however we also knew that it would be a very quick process. The next morning, Rachel called me and informed me that it had gone to a multiple offer situation and that they needed our best and final offer immediately. Our initial offer was really all we could do seeing how there was so much do be done with the house following the purchase. We had to stand firm on our offer and simply hope that it was good enough. That night at about 5:00, Rachel called and to our surprise, told us that they had chosen our offer! We could not believe it, seriously we were just dumbfounded. The seller said that we didn't have the highest offer even, but the best financing so they chose us! While excitement flooded over us as we sat on the back porch of the house we were miserably sharing with Uncle John but anxiety wasn't far from our minds either. We started rethinking about the house and had it chalked up to be pretty terrible in our minds. We had all but decided that we would back out of our offer when we drove back out to Ivins to look at it again. With the back door still unlocked, we let ourselves back into what could be our first home. We were completely shocked at how much better the house really was in comparison to what we were thinking. The cleaning crew had come by and you would never imagine it to make that big of a difference, but it really did! We were so sold and we couldn't stop running around saying what we would do to fix up this and that and how perfect the house could be with a little bit of work and a lot of fun time spent together. We continued through the buying process which is weirdly long for how little we actually had to do. However, because everything ran so smoothly, we were told that our closing date would be bumped up to the week before the original date which was April 26th. We started frantically packing and getting ready immediately. Okay that <<< was a total lie. We didn't start packing at all haha we just kind of rode the wave of excitement. We went to the title company on April 20th at 9:00 am and Marshal signed on the ten trillion dotted lines and we were one step away from owning our own house! When I say we or our house, it's figurative. The house is really only in Marshal's name but it's ours. :) The seller wasn't able to sign the closing documents until the next week unfortunately but by the time they did, we really were so ansy and ready to get into the house. As soon as we got the keys, Marshal moved a truckload of stuff over but we stayed one more night at the old house. The next morning, I shampooed our new carpets and did some cleaning along with a carload of stuff. The rest of the day was spent packing and moving and cleaning until both my car and his truck looked like a very successful game of Tetris. We stopped at Subway for some dinner before making the last little trek to our new house. Then something else came up... We didn't have a fridge and we desperately needed one. By this time it was pushing 9:00 pm but Home Depot was right across the street and they were still open. We had just enough room in the truck for a fridge so we decided to just do it. Huge mistake. We were there for almost two hours getting the worst service I have EVER experienced. If Duane ever reads this, you were incredibly horrible to work with. The fridge we wanted was blocked by the new shipment and was impossible to get to. They ended up selling us the floor model to make an excruciately long story short. We bought it because they had just put it out so it was as good as brand new. However, we go to pay for it and they think they're just going to put this brand new $600 fridge in the back of the truck with nothing around it? Seriously? I had totally had it by this point and it was freaking late and of course I was just a tad bitchy. :) I ever so politely informed them that that would not be happening and that Mr. Retarded Buck Toothed Disgusting Breath Duane would need to get someone of real assitance to do something to protect this fridge in the truck. Two other guys come out with freaking saran wrap. Seriously? To protect a refrigerator? Whatever. They wrapped it up and put it in the truck and we were finally on our way. It wasn't two seconds until Marshal called me and we vented over the phone all the way home about how we could not believe what had just happened haha it was like what might happen in an extremely frustrating movie. Ugh. Okay enough, we got to the house, got the fridge out (just the two of us--yeah I'm ripped.) okay so it had wheels, whatev. Then we unpacked the rest of our stuff which I swear has multiplied by like twenty times since we first moved to St. George. We finally had everything in the house as the clock struck 12. Longest. Day. Ever. but we'll never forget it because guess what? It was the first night we spent sleeping in the house that we now OWNED. The most awesome feeling ever. Okay so now quickly moving through the last month with the house: We unpacked relatively slowly but we were constantly buying things like our tv stand, microwave etc. Now, we've started the remodel and it is SO much fun. I've always wanted to do projects like this and be able to see the progress we make on our own house. We have now refinished the cabinets in both bathrooms and are working on tiling the counters and floors. It's a lot of work but thankfully, Marshal has got it under control. :) Oh here are the specs of the house: It's 3 bedrooms (although one is more like an office) 2 bathrooms. Two car garage on a quarter of an acre which is freaking huge in my opinion haha. It will be getting a new stucco and interior paint job asap at which point we will extend the fencing to create a larger fenced in back/side yard. The front room is kind of weirdly shaped but it looks really cute I think. It still needs a lot of work but I think it's adorable and getting better everyday. It's 1300 square feet so it's not super big but it's perfect sized for just us. Don't worry, I've been taking plenty of before and during pictures but I don't want to post them until we have after pictures too because the beginning state is kind of gross haha. Hmm.. what else can I update? My dad is finally back down here in a homey little care center and I think he's a lot happier. I don't know if it's something with the meds that they changed but he talks a lot more and is surprisingly upbeat at least with me. I visit him a few times a week usually on my lunch break and he's happy to see me every time. I love it so much. I've missed him more than even I knew over the last few years. I hope this turns out to be a good situation for him. Marshal is doing great, he loves his job and he comes home happy most days which I love! He's so sweet and I couldn't be happier to be celebrating 2 years together next weekend. :) Feels like two weeks! Although those would be a pretty jam-packed two weeks haha. I really miss having friends, I would say that's the one thing we're missing from our lives. It sucks how busy individual lives can get and I wish I could make the time to call every one of the friends I've had but truth is, I can't. I just keep the best ones as close as possible and I try to contact them often to make sure they're happy and to tell them I miss them so much. Yes, Bb and Lexa, you. :) I have a hard time making friends thanks to you. Only because I compare them all to you two and the relationship we've had for so long and how you don't drive me to insanity by just talking haha. Oh well though, for now we are very content. We take Lady for a walk every night and she chases jack rabbits and birds until her little heart is content and her little legs are exhausted. I love Ivins, it's such a cute place to live and it's actually nice to be away from town. It's perfect. As for putting a ring on it... I wish! :) It will happen but no news of that sort yet... to my despair haha. I guess buying a house put a little dent in our almost unlimited budget, damn. For now, I couldn't be happier or more excited for the things that are to come. It's crazy where life takes us, I never pictured myself with such a great person, owning a house at 19, and being so unbelievably blessed with the things we have.  I've got my priorities somewhat straight (except for the apparent physical NEED to bake something every single day), my family is supportive and we're taking it each day at a time but having a blast all the while. I can honestly say that I am the happiest I've been in a very long time or maybe ever. :) My attempt to update is pretty much complete I think, I know there is a lot I've left out but I tried haha. Our next big news is that we are getting Directv tomorrow morning and I can't wait! We are both so freaking sick of our limited movie selection haha. Plans are to go camping for our anniversary next weekend and then partying it up with my cute sister and her family for my birthday. Tuacahn say what? :) Can't wait! Now maybe I'll try to keep up on this thing somewhat. Yeah... See ya in six months.