Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Not a teen!

It's official, I'm no longer a teen and Marshal is cougar chaser for the next month. ;) It's been such a great birthday week thanks to a few of my favorite people, I'm so glad that my birthday justifies having so much fun! My cutesy sister, brother in law and niece and nephew came up last Wednesday to spend almost a whole week with us! The only way it could've been better is if I didn't have to work but oh well, we still got to have a ton of fun. Let's see, starting with Wednesday: that was the only day I cooked all week haha but I made dinner for everyone and once they arrived, it was the "see how fast we can show them the whole house without burning dinner" game because we were so excited to have company. :) We had bought them a new bed set for the spare room and all new bathroom stuff as well, it's so fun having a  SPARE bedroom and bathroom! Anyways... Thursday, Marshal and I still had to work which totally sucked but it was so fun going home to company and of course dinner haha. I don't think it was much of a vacation for them because they spent the whole time shopping and a lot of it for our house. I could never thank them enough. It's not that we needed anything desperately, or at least we didn't think so but they were way too generous in filling up our house and mostly the kitchen. :) Also, Jason and Marshal were doing projects on the house pretty much everyday which probably wasn't very relaxing but it was verrrry productive! Jason and Jodi made the best dinner on Thursday because they brought up the world famous Blythe carne asada and chicken. Oh how I've missed it! Also, Jason made the absolute best spanish rice I've ever had and Marshal would definitely agree being the huge rice lover that he is haha. After work on Friday, we did a little Best Buy shopping and Jodi got a new camera which I am SO excited about for her. I love her photography and I love that she loves doing it. We bought a few new movies too and then went home and watched Men of Honor and had some ice cream. :) On Saturday, Jasmine came back from visiting Jaymie in Mesquite and Jason and Marshal ripped all of our baseboards and molding off of the walls because we're getting our house painted hopefully within a couple weeks. In the meantime, we went shopping so I could get a few little things for myself for my birthday and get stuff for dinner. We made dinner as soon as we got home because Jodi, Jasmine and I had to get ready to go to Tuacahn to see Hairspray. We were sooo excited all day we couldn't hardly contain ourselves when we got there. Jasmine loves the movie so we were excited to see how she would react to the show. We had the most awesome seats we could have had thanks to my awesome sister. We were front and center just three rows from the stage and in the VIP section with comfy seats and even free water bottles that we were way too excited about haha. The play was so awesome and it was so fun to see Jasmine just thrilled the entire time. It was opening night so there were a couple glitches but that made the play even more fun. During one of the scenes, there was somebody backstage who didn't turn their microphone off and burped sooo loud. It interrupted one of the actresses and nobody could keep their composure. Everyone on stage was laughing and couldn't stop for probably a good minute haha it was hilarious. Then it started getting really windy and one of the gigantic prop televisions became dangerously loose so they had to stop the play with only like 15 minutes left in order to move that section of people and take down the screen. In the meantime, one of the actors took on stand up comedy and kept us all surprisingly entertained. After probably 20 minutes and a very stressful removal, the show was back on. Once the show was over, we met the actors and actresses out in the plaza so Jasmine could take pictures with all of them. I thought it was hilarious because the main guy totally thought he was hot shit and then when we saw them up close he was totally cross eyed hahaha so funny. All of the actors were really good at their parts though, it exceeded my expectations for sure. By that time, it was like 12:30 and the boys were at home playing video games but eager to go to bed as soon as we got there, at least Marshal haha. We're just not used to being up late with friends! :) Sunday morning, we picked up my dad and took him with us to Mesquite for a little Pre-birthday brunch with the fam at Lindy's house. It was really nice to visit with everyone and I'm glad we got to hang out for a while. Then we went home and Jasmine and I started baking dessert while Jodi made potato salad for the bbq at Marshal's dad's house. It was so nice of them to have us over and they made a delicious dinner. I'm glad my sister was down to meet some of his family, since they're pretty much all I've got in the way of family here. However the visit was cut a little short because we had to be able to make it to Home Depot before it closed because part of our fence blew down in the little wind storm we had the night before. Oh! Side note, we got a free block wall along on side of our backyard, Score! Anyways, the boys headed to Home Depot and we went back home. Jasmine and I made homemade ice cream and did laps around the house shaking it until it was done haha. The rest of the night was super relaxing, Jodi and I just hanging out playing on the iPads and the guys were outside until like 10:30 fixing the fence haha. They're so awesome. :) Also, I just want to say how happy I am that they get along and are cool with hanging out for a week. I'm glad that Marshal is comfortable around my family and that they like him and everything, especially my brother because he's somewhat of a father figure although much younger and cooler, I feel like he has taken a lot of responsibility in my family and in particular with me after my dad got sick. I really appreciate all that he does for me, Marshal and the rest of the family. I know I'd be lost without him and he does so much for my sister and he's the cutest dad ever, our family just wouldn't be the same if he wasn't part of it. By the way, cutest kids ever. Jasmine and I have always had a pretty close relationship and I've always loved it but the baby is starting to be the same way and I couldn't be happier. Coming home to his adorable little face saying "Auntie Holly!" and giving me the biggest hug made me forget about anything bad that happened during the day. Already missing that so much. They are so much fun to be with and unfortunately are growing up so quick! Okay so Monday was my birthday and they woke up to make me pink pancakes, my favorite! I did have to work but I got a couple good deals so I was okay with it in the end, especially because the end came a couple hours earlier than normal, thanks bossman! :) We went to Texas Roadhouse for dindin and it was deeeelicious although really, ribeyes are hard to eat at least for me. Semi-retarded.... We ran home really quick because we had a few minutes before the show and I just couldn't go any longer without my birthday present, it was killing me! After some much built up suspense, Marshal brought out a big box and what was in it? A freaking Kitchenaid!!!!!! I couldn't believe it and I still can't believe it. I am SO STOKED. I have been wanting one for so long and I'm so excited to use it...everyday. :) Jasmine also got me the coolest brownie pan ever and they made me a "donut" cake. So great. Okay we ran out the door to get to Tuacahn to see Aladdin! Oh man, we were all so excited, even Marshal. :) It certainly did not disappoint us either. It was super cute and really entertaining, they did a little ad-libbing and were pretty freaking funny. The Genie was awesome and was Marshal's favorite haha he was so excited to take a picture with him. He's so cute. Jasmine got to take a picture with Jasmine and she thought it was the coolest thing ever. The little things that bring them so much joy. :) We got home and just had to have birthday cake and sing one more time, what's a birthday without that? Now here I sit at work with swollen eyes both from lack of sleep and crying because my family won't be at the house when I get home tonight. It's been the best week having family here with me finally. It's been far too long and Marshal and I have both genuinely enjoyed having people in the house and it finally felt like we had friends haha. They did way too much for us, we could never repay them enough. I'm so thankful for my family and that Jason and Jodi were able to spend the week with us. I just feel like crying all day and I probably will pick it back up as soon as I get off work haha, I hate not having them close enough to randomly have them over for dinner or just to hang out. It's been a little bit of a dream this last week and I hate to see it end. My family is the freaking bomb. On another note, Marshal is the best, cutest boyfriend in the world. He's so cute with the kids and he treated me like a princess all day yesterday. He is so perfect, I'm so blissfully happy. Thank you to everyone who made my birthday one to remember!
Hello twenties!

Monday, June 4, 2012

2 years!

Bliss. I wish that was the only word I could use to describe the last two years but really, what relationship is purely bliss? Truth is, it's been crazy! We've had ups and downs, good days and bad days but hardly a day apart and I wouldn't have it any other way. Since high school graduation we have been what many call, "connected at the hip". Let me tell you, so much has happened since the day we heard our names called and our hats flew but one thing still remains the same, we're in love. Now more than ever. It isn't always easy but worth it? Always. Enough sap, let's get to the fun we had this last weekend. :) First of all, this has nothing to do with our anniversary but I went to breakfast to kiss my cute little friend Mickelle goodbye before she left for northern Utah... She'll be back and I can't wait. :) Okay back to us and our weekend...We left Friday after work and headed out to Gunlock reservoir for a little relaxing weekend of camping and fishing on the lake. So we thought... We got there too late to put the boat in the water and therefore too late to drive the boat to the other side of the lake to camp, suck. We headed back down the road desperately hoping to find a spot somewhere to pitch the tent.. what? hahaha. Anyways, we found this cute little area right off of the river that stems from the lake. It was in a canyon and it was even sandy like a real beach! We went with it and set up camp very quickly because we were freaking starving. We celebrated the day with a little bit of Captain Jack Sparrow's drink of choice. ;) and way too much of it, might I add. At least for me and with a very empty stomach. No fun. Good thing my awesome bf watched his intake a little more closely and his hamburger shot his buzz right down haha. Let's sum it up by saying I was completely out of my mind, hating my life and I have small red spots on my face from a bursted blood vessel thanks to excessive hurling. Happy Anniversary! I don't understand how it's fun. I just don't get it. Thankfully, I felt back to my normal self the next morning so it didn't ruin the whole weekend. :) We packed up camp at the butt crack of dawn (7:00 am) and went back to the lake to launch the boat and do what we went to do! We found the cutest spot at the lake with a big tree right by the water, a couple of tables and a nice little beach to hang out on. This little spot was really cute until it hit about 100 degrees. Then we were loving that tree and our camp chairs nestled into the water. We took the boat out to fish which failed so we decided to jump in the water to cool off. Cool off we did! That water was frigid. It was fun though. :) We spent the rest of the afternoon just totally relaxed in the shady water with Lady having the time of her life. Marshal trained her to not be afraid of the water by rewarding her with chips and by the time we left, she was chasing and stomping on crawdads neck deep in the water! We were such proud little parents haha. We decided that we just wanted to go home instead of camping another night, we were worn out. We packed everything into the boat, went for one last ride and loaded it up. As soon as we got home, we fought for the shower and were actively focused on just staying awake the rest of the evening haha. Marshal downed an excessive amount of ice cream and then we ordered Hungry Howies. It was delicious. Especially followed by a long night of good sleep. :) Sunday, Marshal finished laying the tile in our bathroom while I did a lot of cleaning. It'll take a few days to make sure everything is in tip top shape for my sissy! :) We got everything put away and clean for the most part and then we went to see Wade. Their cat just had kitties the night before and they were soooo tiny! I really hate cats but it was so adorable, I couldn't believe it. Marshal just couldn't leave them alone, he is such an animal lover haha it's cute. :) Then we went to Target to get supplies to set up the spare bedroom and bathroom for our company. Cute stuff too! That night, we went and checked out Pepper's Cantina for dinner and it was so delicious! Really close to the best Mexican we've had here so far. We won't be strangers. ;) The night was concluded with a routine trip to Walmart and a couple homemade cherry shakes. T'was a good weekend to commemorate the best two years of my life and hopefully his too. :) Looking forward to the next who knows how many years but we'll take it one day at a time for now. Oh! I forgot one thing. We decided that we would just get cards for each other and consider the camping trip as our "gift". Good idea we though especially because both of our birthdays are coming up and we're constantly pouring money into house projects which is way more fun anyways. :) So what does he do? Buys me 5 different cards. They all were perfect in that it was like they were made based off of our relationship. So hilarious, I loved every one of them. He just couldn't resist and had to buy me The Vow too. :) No complaints coming from me. He's the best. It's been a great weekend and it's officially my birthday week! That means I'm in charge, if only I was taken seriously haha. Can't wait to see my family this week and celebrate my birthday at Tuacahn watching Aladdin. Stoked! Will have plenty to update after the rest of the week's events. Until then... Loving the life I live. <3

Bye Mickelle! Can't wait for you to move back!

Fishin' boat. :)

Love him. <3

Baby Lady, not so photogenic...