Thursday, June 30, 2011
I'm In!!!!
This is absolutely the very last thing I should be doing right now but I had to share the excitement! I got my letter of acceptance into the College of Education today!!!! :) :) You have to have a minimum of 80 points accrued from your application, tests, interview and gpa and I had a total of 96! Woo! :) Now let the work begin, I'm sooo excited! Other news: I went to St. George today and had an interview at Kneaders Bakery... not holding my breath for that one haha they had already interviewed 300 people before me. Poor manager! I went to a few other places to check on positions but it's awkward going by myself so I was glad Marshal got off work semi-early. :) We went to Olive Garden for dinner and then I had to leave due to my complete lack of studying for the final I have to take in the morning haha oops. So now, after two hours of studying I'm stoked to never have to look at the notes for this class ever again. Good riddance Math 2010, I can't wait for 11:15 a.m. tomorrow. So right now, I should be either cleaning the house or packing everything up for the weekend or possibly getting some sleep before this test but at this point, although I'm trying realllllly hard to care about this class for just one more day, I don't. Not even slightly and therefore, this test can suck it. I don't know how I'll make it through Math 2020 in the Fall. But I'm certainly not thinking about that yet, all that is on my mind is getting out of town and having a blast this weekend camping at Navajo Lake. Oh! One more exciting tid bit. In the midst of looking for jobs, I've come across some information about working for the school district and if it's not a possibility for this Fall, it will be for the Spring! That would obviously be the most ideal job in the world right now so I'm hoping the keenks (I have no idea how to spell that right now) will all work themselves out and I'll land a job as an aid at one of the schools in St. George! Woo! So that's all for now, I'm sure there will be a huge post following this weekend so keep ya eyes peeled BB. ;) Happy Fourth of July weekend everyone! Be safe and have lots of fun! <3
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Just what I needed. :)
Okay, this last weekend was so simple and so perfect despite all the glitches. :) When Marshal got home on Friday night, I had dinner almost ready. I found a new recipe that sounded really good so I tried it. Yikes, big mistake haha. The noodles and sauce were absolutely disgusting but hey, the chicken was delicious so I think that made up for it haha. Oh that and the fact that we ate half the carton of bunny tracks ice cream that night. Mmm. Also that night, I needed to run to the pool to submit an assignment from Blair's computer which turned out to be fun. :) Marshal taught me how to make a paper airplane and we went outside and threw them all over until they just refused to fly anymore haha. Then I remembered that we had a frisbee in the car so we let Lady out and played frisbee on the grass in front of the PE building for a good hour. Once Marshal taught me how to properly throw it, we had a lot of fun. On Saturday, we decided that since the night before had been so fun, we wanted to do the same thing. :) We went and bought a badminton set and a real frisbee and went to the other side of that building. This time, I was wearing my swim suit under my clothes so I got to lay out and get a tan for the first time this summer! I was stokeddd. We played games and just relaxed for a couple hours before we went home and showered and got ready. Then, we went over to Groovefest and the first booth we saw was Colie and Co. Sooo cute. They make the cutest stuff ever and I bought some of Tami's earrings that I Love! Not only do I miss the twins but that made me realize how much I miss their family too! We walked around there for a while and then went to Sonny Boy's for dinner since I had a gift certificate haha. It's not all it's talked up to be, but it was fine. We went over to my mom's to hang out after that and took my bike too. :) Then we went late night grocery shopping and came home and watched that so stupid it's funny movie, White Chicks and I seriously stayed awake for the whole thing! Can you believe that?? Unfortunately, we had to wake up super early for 9:00 church for Joey and Danny's farewell but their talks were good and we saw pretty much everyone from high school there. At noon, we went out to their house for a little luncheon and visited with everyone for a while before coming back home and heading out on a bike ride. :) We wore our swim suits again and rode to the college and around campus before ending up at the pool where we jumped off the diving boards and swam around for a while. Then we rode our bikes to Canyon Park and to the end of the trail. What a workout haha. We rode home through the neighborhoods and to say the least, we were exhausted by the end of it but it was sooo fun and a cute way to spend the day together, I think. :) Marshal barbecued the yummiest chicken for dinner and I made cornbread and baked beans. Great dinner to end the weekend. Did I mention we also ate the rest of that ice cream haha fatties. This laid back, no pressure weekend was just what I needed to get my through this last week of class. I got a 93 on my test yesterday and only have the final left which is on Friday. Today, I'm heading to St. George with my Mom and Nickie for eye appointments and to meet my baby for dinner. :) Then, on Thursday I'm going back to St. George for open interviews at a new little bakery/cafe that's opening down there. I'm scared but I think I would love that job so I gotta give it all I got! Then after a half day of work, Marshal will pick me up on Friday to go up to Navajo Lake for the weekend with his Dad's family. It's soooo pretty and so much fun up there, I can't wait! Great way to end another "semester". After that, the job hunt will be going full throttle and I'll be more ansy than ever to get moved. :) Can't wait! Until then, wish me luck on my final and interview!
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Okay, I can now update my blog again since Brianne did haha but unfortunately, I don't have any exciting things to talk about like she does... Let's see what I can come up with huh? Well last weekend, Marshal and I went out to Pine Valley to spend the night and hang out with his grandparents. Then his Uncle John (the one we are going to be living with) came up too. Friday night was just really relaxing at least for me. Marshal was busy chasing and swatting at mosquitos with John while Lady ran for hours finally getting to burn off some energy! After eating dinner and staying up chit chatting until I really could not keep my eyes open any longer, we went upstairs to bed. This was the first time that Lady didn't have her kennel to sleep in so she slept on the bed and it was miserable! First she wouldn't lay anywhere but right up against my body which actually was really cute but allllll night long she was up kicking and scratching and walking all over the bed which she thankfully couldn't get off of in the dark haha. I think we got a total of five hours of crappy sleep, oh well. The next morning, Marshal's adorable Grandma was busy making breakfast, bless her heart. She has Parkinson's disease and doesn't move around too well so it's hard for her to do those kinds of things and I always feel so bad when she does. Once we had breakfast, Marshal's grandparents took us on a tour of Pine Valley. I absolutely love everything about that little town! They took us up through all the neighborhoods with some pretty freakin fancy cabins that I of course want haha and then up into the campground and lake area. Okay, it was one of the most gorgeous places I've ever seen! The whole area was just covered in trees and the lake was full of fish and families fishing and the campgrounds were so perfect. We want to camp there asap. That town is so cute. Anyways, we went back to the cabin and cut up a watermelon and visited some more but left around noon because we had a wedding to go to! Haha we got home and showered and got all dressed up, well nice shirts and jeans and then heels for me. :) Crissy and Walker's wedding was out in Willow Glen which I had no idea was so huge! They had a cute little wedding ceremony and Crissy's dress was so gorgeous! Loved it. Then we left for a while and returned for the dinner which I don't know who catered but it was...interesting. Haha but we got sparkling cider and made a toast which I've always wanted to do, like in the movies! We left soon after that because we were just exhausted. On our way home, I got a call from Marshal's stepdad Brandon inviting us over for a big family dinner on Sunday. All of a sudden, our lazy Sunday we were looking forward to was gone haha. We went over to their house at four just to find out that they had cancelled the dinner because Brandon wasn't feeling well so instead we went over to Brandon's parents' house and instead of eating the "dinner", we just ate popsicles haha. From what Nelson said, it was a smart choice. We didn't stay there long though and we booked it to Denny's for dinner instead. Then back home and that was the weekend. I definitely dragged that out haha oops. This week has been nothing short of same old same old. Class and work everyday then come home and do homework. But! It's paying off, I'm two weeks ahead in my online classes and I finished one class yesterday and got an A! Now if I can just talk my way into some sort of scholarship. That's next on the agenda, please cooperate SUU. At least Marshal will be home tomorrow. :) We have no plans for the weekend so far and that's just fine with me. All I know is I can't wait to get moved down to St. George! It's about time for a change in my life. And scene.
I want nothing more than to be this happy with Marshal for the rest of my life. I hate being away from him all week and it seems to be getting harder and harder. I can't wait to see him tomorrow. <3 |
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Everything Is In Order!
The reason for this post is to get my excitement and nerves out! I had my group interview for the College of Education today and I got my fingerprints done... Last two things I needed to do and tomorrow I'll turn it all in! From there, I'll just have to wait and see if I'm accepted and not to sound full of myself or anything but I can't think of a reason for why I wouldn't be accepted. I'm freakingggg out! Just as I thought, the interview today was so laid back. They only hold those interviews to see if we are normal functioning humans and can interact with each other so I passed haha. Then I went to Math and got my test back from yesterday, I got a 91 which isn't as good as I did on the first test but I can't really complain. Now I'm sitting at work contemplating getting in to swim but who knows if I really will. I realllllly need to but I'm just so lazy haha these are the internal arguments I have with myself everyday. I talked to Brianne today and it just made how much I miss her and Lexa set in. Their lives are so exciting and fun and they're making all of these new friends and I'm so happy for them but I'm terrified I'll be the "old" friend soon. I love them so much and wouldn't trade them for anything in the world. Miss you guys and can't wait to see how cute your house is becoming! Oh! I actually have some big, decently exciting news to share! Marshal's mom went to make our reservations for Hawaii in December and found that every resort on every island is full with huge waiting lists so she looked for other possible destinations... Yeah, we're going to Fiji for a week for Christmas! :) I give you all permission to be jealous because I certainly would be. We're staying in a cute house-like resort on Denarau Island and from Google images, it looks gorgeous! It will definitely be a nice little break during the dead of winter here. :) Soooooo stoked, I gotta get a passport! That's all I really have for today but here are a couple of pic pics of where I'll be basking in the sun this Christmas. :) Have a good rest of the day!
Could December come any slower?! ;)
Monday, June 13, 2011
I'm really starting to suck at this updating thing but I'm one year closer to 21! Haha just kidding, Mom. I do feel a little less juvenile now though. It's a lot less embarrassing to tell people I'm 19 than it is to say I'm only 18 which is always followed by "Awh you're still a baby!", so over that. My big sista and her cute family came to help celebrate my birthday this weekend and I'm sooo glad they did, it was a ton of fun! First, for a little rewind action... On Wednesday, Marshal came home from St. George so we could have a birthday dinner at his mom's house. His mom made fajitas that were delicious and then my mom made strawberry cheesecake for dessert which was definitely a hit. It was just a quiet dinner that would've been much quieter if it weren't for Marshal and Nelson so good thing they were there haha. His mom gave me a way cute wall decoration that matches my "Believe" sign, a couple of make up organizers, a gift certificate for that barbecue place in town and smores stuff for camping. It was so cute. Anyways, somehow I magically had the rest of the week off work so I just had to go to class and then got to hang out with the fam the rest of the day. We baked an insane amount of cake and cupcakes, watched some movies, and of course made daily trips to Walmart. Marshal came home on Friday but immediately had an errand to run which I found to be mysterious and slightly shady but when he returned we went to my Mom's house for dinner. They made pork chops and rice and then we went to Arctic Circle for dessert--never fails. Saturday, Marshal woke me up at 12 to say Happy Birthday (love him) and we went to my Mom's again for breakfast: Fry Bread and white syrup which was my choice of course. :) We left pretty early to make it to St. George for Old Navy's 60% of shorts sale that ended at 11 am. On our way out of town, Marshal asked my Mom to make another stop and he came out with a gorgeous bouquet of flowers! He picked them all out the day before on that "errand" and that made it so much more meaningful. :) We got to Old Navy expecting to get the leftovers that everyone had already picked through but Jodi ran through the store getting my size in just about every pair of shorts there and was waiting by the dressing rooms when we got there. Haha did I mention she's just awesome? Although there was no crowd and plenty of shorts to spare, it was still exciting and my Mom bought two pairs for me since it was my birthday. :) Afterwards, we went and picked up my Dad to have lunch. We went to Chili's and had a delicious lunch and birthday milkshake after the horrible birthday song sung by the waiters. Marshal got to meet my Dad again even though it was like the first time for my Dad and he handled it really well. Then we went back to the nursing home and took some family pictures that I'll cherish forever as corny as that sounds.After that, we headed home to get ready for the barbecue that night. Jodi made these awesome two piece cupcakes that were huge and had to be glued together with frosting but they were seriously, so cool. Jasmine and I had fun frosting all of those while Marshal sat outside and talked with my Grandpa for probably two hours. Poor thing but it was adorable. Jason started cooking and oh my, you should've seen how huge the steak he got me was. Ridiculous but soooo good. I love having chefs in the family haha. They also made mashed potatoes and corn on the cob, my favorite and my Grandma brought up her famous ranger cookies and banana nut bread. To say the least, I ate enough to feed myself for a whole week. Once I blew out the candles and everyone had more than enough cake and ice cream, I opened the gift from my grandparents and aunt, forty bucks...In one dollar bills. Haha it was cute and Jasmine and Jaymie had fun counting it all as I pulled it out of the bag. Then my grandparents and aunt and uncle left and we just relaxed. That's when the food really kicked in and I felt so sick that Marshal and I just went home. It was such a fun day and I'm really glad we got to see my Dad and he seemed excited to see all of us. Thanks again to Jodi for suggesting that. :) So the night goes on... Marshal and I watched Just Go With It, best movie and a few episodes of How I Met Your Mother but I felt horrible the entire time and couldn't even fall asleep which is weird because I'm usually out instantly when we put a movie on haha. This is gross but I finally threw up at like 12:30 am, thanks to Marshal but hey at least it wasn't on my birthday! As Blair would say, I've got a couple more years until I should be throwing up on my birthday. ;) That was miserable and my stomach is still so sore from it. On Sunday, we finally got to sleep in and be lazy until about noon. Then Marshal got Top Spot for lunch and we hung out at my Mom's for the day again. Jodi and Jason got pizza for dinner and we did a whole lot of nothing all day. :) In the midst of doing nothing, I didn't study much for my math test that was today. Oops. Good thing we're studying "Adding and Subtracting Whole Numbers". I'm not kidding. Most boring class ever. So I took that test today and then went to say bye to Jodi, Jason, Jasmine and baby. By the way, that baby is the cutest kid in the world. He's such a boy with all the sound effects he's already got mastered and he has the absolute cutest laugh I've ever heard. So adorable. I hate saying bye to them or anyone in my family for that matter. :( Once they left, I had a doctor's appointment and now here I sit pretty much robbing SUU of $8 an hour minus taxes. So kids, that's how the weekend went down. Exciting right? It was such a great birthday between last weekend and this weekend, I couldn't have asked for more. Now tomorrow I have my interview for the College of Education. You could say I'm freaking out but that's an understatement for sure. I've heard that it's really nothing to stress about but if you know me, I'm good at stressing about nothing haha. As for the rest of the week, no plans so far until Friday but I'll keep ya posted. ;) Godspeed the twins to update their blog and give me something to read. :) Looking forward to another great weekend which means another week down of Math 2010. Woo!
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My two favorite guys. :) |
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My Dad. |
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Jas-ma-taz. She's the only loyal one now that Marshal is around. ;) |
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Our sweet new shades haha. |
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Nineteen years later. :) |
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My masterpiece of a cupcake! |
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The awkward "When are they going to stop singing!" pose. |
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We may not have it all together; but together, we have it all. |
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Freaking love this kid so much. :) |
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Does it get any cuter? :) |
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Oldest and Youngest but only a few years apart. ;) Love you, Jodi! |
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The cute little Scott family with Grandpa. |
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My beautiful flowers from the best boyfriend ever. <3 |
Monday, June 6, 2011
Not Enough Sun But A Lot Of Fun
In celebration of my birthday (a week early), Marshal and I took off for SLC to hit Seven Peaks Water Park and hang out with the two coolest cats I know. ;) We left early Saturday morning and went straight to Alexa and Brianne's apartment where they gave me the cutest birthday presents ever! They got me a jewelry tree which I have been wanting foreverrr and some adorable earrings and an AE gift card. Wayyy more than I could've asked for but they are my best friends. :) Anyways, after that we left for Seven Peaks which was a much longer drive with the millions of detours we encountered... We had 30% off coupons thanks to Marshal but it took forever for the ticket people to figure out the discount thing so that was annoying. After they checked our bags, threw away the twins' cokes and made Marshal get rid of our lunch food, we were in and soooo excited! We found a grassy place with tables and put our stuff down and immediately went to the slides. Which one first? Of course the most terrifying one of them all, who knows what we were thinking. It was a STRAIGHT drop off at the very first and then went back up only to drop you again and let you fly across the water at the bottom. I can only imagine what my face looked like. So scary. Then we went on a slide with these really heavy things you sit on (I can't remember the name) but we could barely even carry them to the top. That ride was just a straight down slide and was way fun. We went on a few more rides after we got double tubes and then went to the Tidal Wave. Sounds awesome right? Well it took like ten minutes to start but once it did, Brianne was swimming her little heart out to get us "right where we wanted to be". It was hilarious and although we may have ran over a few kids to get there, it was a blast. Then came the lazy river, soooo relaxing. Unfortunately it brought a sunburn to the twinsies and even more unfortunately, it brought no sunburn, no tan, no nothing to me but it was nice haha. We were already pretty tired and Marshal and I were starving so we went back to their house to shower and get ready for dinner. But first, we went and looked at Alexa and Brianne's new house that they're fixing up to move into this month. It's right by the U and is on a cute little safe street which is so good for them. The inside has taken them a lot of work and they aren't done yet but it's going to be sooo cute. Props to them for even being willing to clean and paint that whole house, so much work! So we went back to shower but little did we know, their landlord broke through the water pipe in doing some yard work and there was no running water. To make a long story semi-short, we ended up going to their landlord's lady friend's house (she was gone) to shower. It was only a little weird haha. Then we finished getting ready and with very empty stomachs, left to Shanghai! Seriously, the best restaurant in Salt Lake. It was soooo delicious and I ate way too much but I couldn't help it. I freaking love that place! Then we went back to the house and pretty much just hung out for the rest of the night and we all crashed early, I guess that's what we get for hanging out in the sun all day haha. In the morning, the twins went to the Pride Parade and we hit The Gateway to spend my gift card that was already burning a hole in my pocket haha but I got a new pair of jeans, two shirts and a pair of sunglasses. Woo! :) Of course we had to run by Jamba Juice before hitting the freeway and it was sooo worth it. We tried Pomegranate Pick-Me-Up. Best flavor I've had there by far. Mmm. Then, last night after we got home and unpacked, we ordered Pizza Hut and took a bottle of sparkling cider and Lady to the park to have a picnic and let Lady run around for a while. Great end to a such a great weekend! I'm so glad we got to go up there to visit and of course celebrate. :) I miss my best friends and I'm definitely ready for them to move home even though I know they won't. I wish we could still be the inseparable triplets everyday, well I just wish I could see them everyday. Nobody has best friends like mine. Also to Mr. Top Notch Sip, I know that "Pimpin' ain't easy" but thank you soooooo much for going up to Salt Lake and helping make the weekend the best. It means a lot that even though you knew you'd be the only guy, you were still excited and still had a ton of fun. :) I'm so sad that this weekend had to end but it seems I have something to be excited for every weekend for a while! Well first, my mom, Marshal, and I are going to have dinner at his Mom's house for my birthday on Wednesday... Kinda nervous. But then Jodi, Jason, Jasmine and Baby are going to be here on Thursday for my birthday weekend and I can't wait! I haven't seen any of my family in wayyy too long so it'll be great to spend time with some of them and celebrate my birthday all over again! :) Then next weekend, we're camping in Pine Valley to visit Marshal's grandparents on Friday and coming back for my cousin Crissy's wedding on Saturday. I'm mostly just excited to dress up haha. Enough is enough, I'm just babbling now but here are some pictures of the weekend! :)
Friday, June 3, 2011
Another week down!
So I started my Math 2010 class on Tuesday. It's supposed to be Math for Elementary Education but... it's kinda hard! I feel so stupid admitting that but it takes a lot of brain power for me to do the assignments sometimes haha. As for my online classes, they're a breeze! I'm flying through them and I'm already about a week ahead in each class, feels great! It's kind of nice having something to do even if it is school work. P.S. you should see the size of my textbooks! Oh! On Wednesday (our real anniversary) Marshal gave me the most beautiful necklace I have ever seen and it matches the ring he gave me last summer. I didn't even know what to say, I love it! :) I gave him two seasons of "How I Met Your Mother" and two new shirts. Then we went out to dinner at Benja's. It's a thai food and sushi bar place and it's superrr fancy. Just what I wanted. :) Marshal had three different sushi rolls and I was only brave enough to try one but it was actually pretty good! I went with a more traditional dish however... fried rice. Haha I"m not kidding, it was really good though. After we ate, we walked around in Ancestor Square which was all green and pretty romantic. :) Then we went and walked around the mall and somehow got sucked into Kay Jewelers because I loved this ring I saw in Cosmo and they had it there! The lady even let me try it on haha, that's the closest I'll ever get to owning a $3000 ring unless Marshal starts saving now! ;) That was fun though. Then we hit up Old Navy for some flip flops and went to Larson's to get glaciers (love!) and sat in the back of his truck to eat them. It was the perfect night. Yesterday was nothing special except my mom did my toesies, I love them! And now I'm sitting at work, not a single person has been here in an hour and probably a total of five since 1:00. I have the best, most boring, job ever. I have gotten a ton of homework done though so I can't complain. :) Tomorrow: Seven Peaks with Marshal and the twinsies, Shanghai for dinner and some catching up. I can't wait! Oh and a shout out to my mama, thanks so much for lending your car and taking care of our pup. You're the best and we love you! Marshal should be home pretty soon, the best way to end a week. :) Wake up early twins, we've got a big day ahead of us!
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