Monday, June 13, 2011


I'm really starting to suck at this updating thing but I'm one year closer to 21! Haha just kidding, Mom. I do feel a little less juvenile now though. It's a lot less embarrassing to tell people I'm 19 than it is to say I'm only 18 which is always followed by "Awh you're still a baby!", so over that. My big sista and her cute family came to help celebrate my birthday this weekend and I'm sooo glad they did, it was a ton of fun! First, for a little rewind action... On Wednesday, Marshal came home from St. George so we could have a birthday dinner at his mom's house. His mom made fajitas that were delicious and then my mom made strawberry cheesecake for dessert which was definitely a hit. It was just a quiet dinner that would've been much quieter if it weren't for Marshal and Nelson so good thing they were there haha. His mom gave me a way cute wall decoration that matches my "Believe" sign, a couple of make up organizers, a gift certificate for that barbecue place in town and smores stuff for camping. It was so cute. Anyways, somehow I magically had the rest of the week off work so I just had to go to class and then got to hang out with the fam the rest of the day. We baked an insane amount of cake and cupcakes, watched some movies, and of course made daily trips to Walmart. Marshal came home on Friday but immediately had an errand to run which I found to be mysterious and slightly shady but when he returned we went to my Mom's house for dinner. They made pork chops and rice and then we went to Arctic Circle for dessert--never fails. Saturday, Marshal woke me up at 12 to say Happy Birthday (love him) and we went to my Mom's again for breakfast: Fry Bread and white syrup which was my choice of course. :) We left pretty early to make it to St. George for Old Navy's 60% of shorts sale that ended at 11 am. On our way out of town, Marshal asked my Mom to make another stop and he came out with a gorgeous bouquet of flowers! He picked them all out the day before on that "errand" and that made it so much more meaningful. :) We got to Old Navy expecting to get the leftovers that everyone had already picked through but Jodi ran through the store getting my size in just about every pair of shorts there and was waiting by the dressing rooms when we got there. Haha did I mention she's just awesome? Although there was no crowd and plenty of shorts to spare, it was still exciting and my Mom bought two pairs for me since it was my birthday. :) Afterwards, we went and picked up my Dad to have lunch. We went to Chili's and had a delicious lunch and birthday milkshake after the horrible birthday song sung by the waiters. Marshal got to meet my Dad again even though it was like the first time for my Dad and he handled it really well. Then we went back to the nursing home and took some family pictures that I'll cherish forever as corny as that sounds.After that, we headed home to get ready for the barbecue that night. Jodi made these awesome two piece cupcakes that were huge and had to be glued together with frosting but they were seriously, so cool. Jasmine and I had fun frosting all of those while Marshal sat outside and talked with my Grandpa for probably two hours. Poor thing but it was adorable. Jason started cooking and oh my, you should've seen how huge the steak he got me was. Ridiculous but soooo good. I love having chefs in the family haha. They also made mashed potatoes and corn on the cob, my favorite and my Grandma brought up her famous ranger cookies and banana nut bread. To say the least, I ate enough to feed myself for a whole week. Once I blew out the candles and everyone had more than enough cake and ice cream, I opened the gift from my grandparents and aunt, forty bucks...In one dollar bills. Haha it was cute and Jasmine and Jaymie had fun counting it all as I pulled it out of the bag. Then my grandparents and aunt and uncle left and we just relaxed. That's when the food really kicked in and I felt so sick that Marshal and I just went home. It was such a fun day and I'm really glad we got to see my Dad and he seemed excited to see all of us. Thanks again to Jodi for suggesting that. :) So the night goes on... Marshal and I watched Just Go With It, best movie and a few episodes of How I Met Your Mother but I felt horrible the entire time and couldn't even fall asleep which is weird because I'm usually out instantly when we put a movie on haha. This is gross but I finally threw up at like 12:30 am, thanks to Marshal but hey at least it wasn't on my birthday! As Blair would say, I've got a couple more years until I should be throwing up on my birthday. ;) That was miserable and my stomach is still so sore from it. On Sunday, we finally got to sleep in and be lazy until about noon. Then Marshal got Top Spot for lunch and we hung out at my Mom's for the day again. Jodi and Jason got pizza for dinner and we did a whole lot of nothing all day. :) In the midst of doing nothing, I didn't study much for my math test that was today. Oops. Good thing we're studying "Adding and Subtracting Whole Numbers". I'm not kidding. Most boring class ever. So I took that test today and then went to say bye to Jodi, Jason, Jasmine and baby. By the way, that baby is the cutest kid in the world. He's such a boy with all the sound effects he's already got mastered and he has the absolute cutest laugh I've ever heard. So adorable. I hate saying bye to them or anyone in my family for that matter. :( Once they left, I had a doctor's appointment and now here I sit pretty much robbing SUU of $8 an hour minus taxes. So kids, that's how the weekend went down. Exciting right? It was such a great birthday between last weekend and this weekend, I couldn't have asked for more. Now tomorrow I have my interview for the College of Education. You could say I'm freaking out but that's an understatement for sure. I've heard that it's really nothing to stress about but if you know me, I'm good at stressing about nothing haha. As for the rest of the week, no plans so far until Friday but I'll keep ya posted. ;) Godspeed the twins to update their blog and give me something to read. :) Looking forward to another great weekend which means another week down of Math 2010. Woo!

My two favorite guys. :)
My Dad.

Jas-ma-taz. She's the only loyal one now that
Marshal is around. ;)
Our sweet new shades haha.

Nineteen years later. :)
My masterpiece of a cupcake!
The awkward "When are they going to
stop singing!" pose.

We may not have it all together; but together, we have it all.
Freaking love this kid so much. :)
Does it get any cuter? :)
Oldest and Youngest but only a few years apart. ;)
Love you, Jodi!

The cute little Scott family with Grandpa.

My beautiful flowers from the best boyfriend ever. <3

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