Thursday, June 23, 2011


Okay, I can now update my blog again since Brianne did haha but unfortunately, I don't have any exciting things to talk about like she does... Let's see what I can come up with huh? Well last weekend, Marshal and I went out to Pine Valley to spend the night and hang out with his grandparents. Then his Uncle John (the one we are going to be living with) came up too. Friday night was just really relaxing at least for me. Marshal was busy chasing and swatting at mosquitos with John while Lady ran for hours finally getting to burn off some energy! After eating dinner and staying up chit chatting until I really could not keep my eyes open any longer, we went upstairs to bed. This was the first time that Lady didn't have her kennel to sleep in so she slept on the bed and it was miserable! First she wouldn't lay anywhere but right up against my body which actually was really cute but allllll night long she was up kicking and scratching and walking all over the bed which she thankfully couldn't get off of in the dark haha. I think we got a total of five hours of crappy sleep, oh well. The next morning, Marshal's adorable Grandma was busy making breakfast, bless her heart. She has Parkinson's disease and doesn't move around too well so it's hard for her to do those kinds of things and I always feel so bad when she does. Once we had breakfast, Marshal's grandparents took us on a tour of Pine Valley. I absolutely love everything about that little town! They took us up through all the neighborhoods with some pretty freakin fancy cabins that I of course want haha and then up into the campground and lake area. Okay, it was one of the most gorgeous places I've ever seen! The whole area was just covered in trees and the lake was full of fish and families fishing and the campgrounds were so perfect. We want to camp there asap. That town is so cute. Anyways, we went back to the cabin and cut up a watermelon and visited some more but left around noon because we had a wedding to go to! Haha we got home and showered and got all dressed up, well nice shirts and jeans and then heels for me. :) Crissy and Walker's wedding was out in Willow Glen which I had no idea was so huge! They had a cute little wedding ceremony and Crissy's dress was so gorgeous! Loved it. Then we left for a while and returned for the dinner which I don't know who catered but it was...interesting. Haha but we got sparkling cider and made a toast which I've always wanted to do, like in the movies! We left soon after that because we were just exhausted. On our way home, I got a call from Marshal's stepdad Brandon inviting us over for a big family dinner on Sunday. All of a sudden, our lazy Sunday we were looking forward to was gone haha. We went over to their house at four just to find out that they had cancelled the dinner because Brandon wasn't feeling well so instead we went over to Brandon's parents' house and instead of eating the "dinner", we just ate popsicles haha. From what Nelson said, it was a smart choice. We didn't stay there long though and we booked it to Denny's for dinner instead. Then back home and that was the weekend. I definitely dragged that out haha oops. This week has been nothing short of same old same old. Class and work everyday then come home and do homework. But! It's paying off, I'm two weeks ahead in my online classes and I finished one class yesterday and got an A! Now if I can just talk my way into some sort of scholarship. That's next on the agenda, please cooperate SUU. At least Marshal will be home tomorrow. :) We have no plans for the weekend so far and that's just fine with me. All I know is I can't wait to get moved down to St. George! It's about time for a change in my life. And scene.
My role models, the ones I've always looked up to. They
give the best advice and are always there for me, if only
they could be HERE with me. I don't say it enough but
I love you all and appreciate everything you do.
I miss my sisters so much.
This picture makes me want to cry. I miss the days when we
didn't have to worry about growing up and we hung out
24/7. Life is so different without them.
 I miss my best friends more and more everyday.

I want nothing more than to be this happy with Marshal for
the rest of my life. I hate being away from him all week
and it seems to be getting harder and harder.
I can't wait to see him tomorrow. <3

Let's hope for some more excitement eh?

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