Friday, June 3, 2011

Another week down!

So I started my Math 2010 class on Tuesday. It's supposed to be Math for Elementary Education but... it's kinda hard! I feel so stupid admitting that but it takes a lot of brain power for me to do the assignments sometimes haha. As for my online classes, they're a breeze! I'm flying through them and I'm already about a week ahead in each class, feels great! It's kind of nice having something to do even if it is school work. P.S. you should see the size of my textbooks! Oh! On Wednesday (our real anniversary) Marshal gave me the most beautiful necklace I have ever seen and it matches the ring he gave me last summer. I didn't even know what to say, I love it! :) I gave him two seasons of "How I Met Your Mother" and two new shirts. Then we went out to dinner at Benja's. It's a thai food and sushi bar place and it's superrr fancy. Just what I wanted. :) Marshal had three different sushi rolls and I was only brave enough to try one but it was actually pretty good! I went with a more traditional dish however... fried rice. Haha I"m not kidding, it was really good though. After we ate, we walked around in Ancestor Square which was all green and pretty romantic. :) Then we went and walked around the mall and somehow got sucked into Kay Jewelers because I loved this ring I saw in Cosmo and they had it there! The lady even let me try it on haha, that's the closest I'll ever get to owning a $3000 ring unless Marshal starts saving now! ;) That was fun though. Then we hit up Old Navy for some flip flops and went to Larson's to get glaciers (love!) and sat in the back of his truck to eat them. It was the perfect night. Yesterday was nothing special except my mom did my toesies, I love them! And now I'm sitting at work, not a single person has been here in an hour and probably a total of five since 1:00. I have the best, most boring, job ever. I have gotten a ton of homework done though so I can't complain. :) Tomorrow: Seven Peaks with Marshal and the twinsies, Shanghai for dinner and some catching up. I can't wait! Oh and a shout out to my mama, thanks so much for lending your car and taking care of our pup. You're the best and we love you! Marshal should be home pretty soon, the best way to end a week. :) Wake up early twins, we've got a big day ahead of us!

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