Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Just what I needed. :)

Okay, this last weekend was so simple and so perfect despite all the glitches. :) When Marshal got home on Friday night, I had dinner almost ready. I found a new recipe that sounded really good so I tried it. Yikes, big mistake haha. The noodles and sauce were absolutely disgusting but hey, the chicken was delicious so I think that made up for it haha. Oh that and the fact that we ate half the carton of bunny tracks ice cream that night. Mmm. Also that night, I needed to run to the pool to submit an assignment from Blair's computer which turned out to be fun. :) Marshal taught me how to make a paper airplane and we went outside and threw them all over until they just refused to fly anymore haha. Then I remembered that we had a frisbee in the car so we let Lady out and played frisbee on the grass in front of the PE building for a good hour. Once Marshal taught me how to properly throw it, we had a lot of fun. On Saturday, we decided that since the night before had been so fun, we wanted to do the same thing. :) We went and bought a badminton set and a real frisbee and went to the other side of that building. This time, I was wearing my swim suit under my clothes so I got to lay out and get a tan for the first time this summer! I was stokeddd. We played games and just relaxed for a couple hours before we went home and showered and got ready. Then, we went over to Groovefest and the first booth we saw was Colie and Co. Sooo cute. They make the cutest stuff ever and I bought some of Tami's earrings that I Love! Not only do I miss the twins but that made me realize how much I miss their family too! We walked around there for a while and then went to Sonny Boy's for dinner since I had a gift certificate haha. It's not all it's talked up to be, but it was fine. We went over to my mom's to hang out after that and took my bike too. :) Then we went late night grocery shopping and came home and watched that so stupid it's funny movie, White Chicks and I seriously stayed awake for the whole thing! Can you believe that?? Unfortunately, we had to wake up super early for 9:00 church for Joey and Danny's farewell but their talks were good and we saw pretty much everyone from high school there. At noon, we went out to their house for a little luncheon and visited with everyone for a while before coming back home and heading out on a bike ride. :) We wore our swim suits again and rode to the college and around campus before ending up at the pool where we jumped off the diving boards and swam around for a while. Then we rode our bikes to Canyon Park and to the end of the trail. What a workout haha. We rode home through the neighborhoods and to say the least, we were exhausted by the end of it but it was sooo fun and a cute way to spend the day together, I think. :) Marshal barbecued the yummiest chicken for dinner and I made cornbread and baked beans. Great dinner to end the weekend. Did I mention we also ate the rest of that ice cream haha fatties. This laid back, no pressure weekend was just what I needed to get my through this last week of class. I got a 93 on my test yesterday and only have the final left which is on Friday. Today, I'm heading to St. George with my Mom and Nickie for eye appointments and to meet my baby for dinner. :) Then, on Thursday I'm going back to St. George for open interviews at a new little bakery/cafe that's opening down there. I'm scared but I think I would love that job so I gotta give it all I got! Then after a half day of work, Marshal will pick me up on Friday to go up to Navajo Lake for the weekend with his Dad's family. It's soooo pretty and so much fun up there, I can't wait! Great way to end another "semester". After that, the job hunt will be going full throttle and I'll be more ansy than ever to get moved. :) Can't wait! Until then, wish me luck on my final and interview!

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