Monday, June 6, 2011

Not Enough Sun But A Lot Of Fun

In celebration of my birthday (a week early), Marshal and I took off for SLC to hit Seven Peaks Water Park and hang out with the two coolest cats I know. ;) We left early Saturday morning and went straight to Alexa and Brianne's apartment where they gave me the cutest birthday presents ever! They got me a jewelry tree which I have been wanting foreverrr and some adorable earrings and an AE gift card. Wayyy more than I could've asked for but they are my best friends. :) Anyways, after that we left for Seven Peaks which was a much longer drive with the millions of detours we encountered... We had 30% off coupons thanks to Marshal but it took forever for the ticket people to figure out the discount thing so that was annoying. After they checked our bags, threw away the twins' cokes and made Marshal get rid of our lunch food, we were in and soooo excited! We found a grassy place with tables and put our stuff down and immediately went to the slides. Which one first? Of course the most terrifying one of them all, who knows what we were thinking. It was a STRAIGHT drop off at the very first and then went back up only to drop you again and let you fly across the water at the bottom. I can only imagine what my face looked like. So scary. Then we went on a slide with these really heavy things you sit on (I can't remember the name) but we could barely even carry them to the top. That ride was just a straight down slide and was way fun. We went on a few more rides after we got double tubes and then went to the Tidal Wave. Sounds awesome right? Well it took like ten minutes to start but once it did, Brianne was swimming her little heart out to get us "right where we wanted to be". It was hilarious and although we may have ran over a few kids to get there, it was a blast. Then came the lazy river, soooo relaxing. Unfortunately it brought a sunburn to the twinsies and even more unfortunately, it brought no sunburn, no tan, no nothing to me but it was nice haha. We were already pretty tired and Marshal and I were starving so we went back to their house to shower and get ready for dinner. But first, we went and looked at Alexa and Brianne's new house that they're fixing up to move into this month. It's right by the U and is on a cute little safe street which is so good for them. The inside has taken them a lot of work and they aren't done yet but it's going to be sooo cute. Props to them for even being willing to clean and paint that whole house, so much work! So we went back to shower but little did we know, their landlord broke through the water pipe in doing some yard work and there was no running water. To make a long story semi-short, we ended up going to their landlord's lady friend's house (she was gone) to shower. It was only a little weird haha. Then we finished getting ready and with very empty stomachs, left to Shanghai! Seriously, the best restaurant in Salt Lake. It was soooo delicious and I ate way too much but I couldn't help it. I freaking love that place! Then we went back to the house and pretty much just hung out for the rest of the night and we all crashed early, I guess that's what we get for hanging out in the sun all day haha. In the morning, the twins went to the Pride Parade and we hit The Gateway to spend my gift card that was already burning a hole in my pocket haha but I got a new pair of jeans, two shirts and a pair of sunglasses. Woo! :) Of course we had to run by Jamba Juice before hitting the freeway and it was sooo worth it. We tried Pomegranate Pick-Me-Up. Best flavor I've had there by far. Mmm. Then, last night after we got home and unpacked, we ordered Pizza Hut and took a bottle of sparkling cider and Lady to the park to have a picnic and let Lady run around for a while. Great end to a such a great weekend! I'm so glad we got to go up there to visit and of course celebrate. :) I miss my best friends and I'm definitely ready for them to move home even though I know they won't. I wish we could still be the inseparable triplets everyday, well I just wish I could see them everyday. Nobody has best friends like mine. Also to Mr. Top Notch Sip, I know that "Pimpin' ain't easy" but thank you soooooo much for going up to Salt Lake and helping make the weekend the best. It means a lot that even though you knew you'd be the only guy, you were still excited and still had a ton of fun. :) I'm so sad that this weekend had to end but it seems I have something to be excited for every weekend for a while! Well first, my mom, Marshal, and I are going to have dinner at his Mom's house for my birthday on Wednesday... Kinda nervous. But then Jodi, Jason, Jasmine and Baby are going to be here on Thursday for my birthday weekend and I can't wait! I haven't seen any of my family in wayyy too long so it'll be great to spend time with some of them and celebrate my birthday all over again! :) Then next weekend, we're camping in Pine Valley to visit Marshal's grandparents on Friday and coming back for my cousin Crissy's wedding on Saturday. I'm mostly just excited to dress up haha. Enough is enough, I'm just babbling now but here are some pictures of the weekend! :)
See that blue slide?! Scariest one! Oh and that pigeon... Marshal
was feedingthem at Sonic and teasing them through the windshield.
Then they swarmed...
Thanks to Marshal, Alexa, and Brianne for such a memorable weekend!

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