Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The One Year Mark

Where do I begin? This was the best weekend we've had in a long time. Marshal got to come home on Thursday and work on a house in Cedar, Friday so we had an extra long weekend to spend together. :) We've mastered the art of dragging out a reason to celebrate and so we began Thursday night. We just went to dinner at Lupitas and were thrilled that our meals were less than $10 together! Broke college students at their finest haha. Thursday was also the last day of Maymester! I said from the beginning that the class would kick my butt but I aced it! So Friday I had big plans to make a fancy dinner at home, little did Marshal know. I got a head start on the day and left the house by about 10 but got sidetracked by a large "Weekend Sale" at Christensens and since I didn't know what to get for Marshal yet, I stopped. Of course I found nothing because I don't even like that store but when I got in my car to leave... It wouldn't start. I called Marshal freaking out and he told me what to do. I fixed my own car! Just call me, Jack of all trades. ;) But really, I was stoked. Then I went and bought wine glasses, new placemats, candles, and stuff to make for dinner and dessert. I had already planned on decorating the house before he got home so I decided to cut out a bunch of little red hearts and I wrote something I love about him on each one of them. I probably made like 50 of them and still didn't come close to covering everything I love about Marshal. Then Marshal called and asked me to run to Home Depot to get something for the house they were working on and when I took it to him, he told me he would be home in about five minutes! Haha I started freaking out. I sped home, changed into the dress he bought me, tidied up and scattered the hearts around the house. I didn't have dinner made unfortunately but it turned out better that way because we got to make it together. :) He was speechless when he opened the front door. The smile on his face stretched from ear to ear and he wouldn't let go of me. I must admit, it did fall together pretty perfectly and looked great but his reaction was what really pulled it together. He walked around the house picking up and reading each of the hearts while I started making the dessert. Just hearing him laugh a little as he read them and stop to come in the kitchen and kiss me, made it all so worth it. Once he finished reading them all, we began cooking dinner: italian baked pork chops, dressing and green beans. Not too fancy but it was delicious. For some reason, I realllllly love green beans. Gross huh? We lit the candles, poured the sparkling grape juice and had a romantic little meal at home. It was great. The dessert however was out of this world. :) It consisted of crumbled brownies layered with whipped cream and then pieces of heath bar toffee and repeated in that order. Once we ate wayyy too much of that, we got in touch with our nerdy side and watched the newest Harry Potter. Loved it! On Saturday, we went to the dollar store and picked up some sand buckets, shovels, kites and of course candy. Then we went up to the pond/lake thing on the hill and made the sweetest sand castle ever. Actually it was inspired from Harry Potter and complete with the forbidden forest haha. It was kinda chilly that day but somehow we both still got sunburns. Since the wind was picking up, we went over to Discovery Park and "flew" our cheap little kites. Mine was broken before it's first lift off but we made it work. It didn't ever get off the ground very high and reminded me more of a stingray gliding across the grass than a kite. Marshal's flew pretty good but took a hard crash and broke. So the kite flying lasted all of twenty minutes? It was so much fun though, we laughed so hard the entire time and everyone was staring at us. From there, we went and got stuff for dinner and headed home. Our dinner was a dud but since it was "Chinese Night", we substituted with Panda Express haha and rented Iron Man 2 which neither of us had seen yet. On Sunday, we made pancakes and had the laziest day ever. For lunch since we wanted to go on a picnic but it was far too cold, we set out a blanket in the living room and had our own little picnic inside. Didn't quite get the outdoors effect but it was still fun. For the rest of the day, we played with Lady, watched tv, and just loved being together. It was "Italian Night" so we found a recipe for a rotini dish that was pretty easy but turned out surprisingly good. We spent the rest of the night playing Scrabble, our favorite game. I promise I'm nearing the end of this post so hang in there. :) Yesterday we slept in for the first time all weekend and it was about freakin time! My body is just set on waking up at 7 for some reason and it's really starting to get annoying. We went to the diner to see Nickie and have some lunch but already had big plans for a barbecue that night. :) We went home real quick to get Lady and I of course got on the computer and saw that Hollister was having a huge sale. Big mistake. We spent like an hour online shopping and came out with a pair of jeans and a shirt for Marshal and a dress and new bikini for me. It's all cute though so that must somehow justify it. ;) We decided to barbecue at my Mom's house and made steak, chicken, and a hamburger for Nickie. It was delicious! Let me tell you, Marshal has mastered the barbecue. We ate dinner then Marshal mowed the lawn for my mom because he's the sweetest guy ever and then we went and got ice cream. It was the best weekend but more importantly, it's been the best year I could ever ask for. :) It feels like it's only been a month and I still get excited to see and hear from him, everyday. That's just how it should be; Perfect. Our actual anniversary is Wednesday so I'm going to St. George to see him and go to dinner. That's when we'll exchange gifts even though my fancy dinner was part of it. :) Can't wait! Oh and once we get through the week, the weekend starts again and this time we'll be celebrating my birthday! :) We're heading up to SLC to see my girlzz and spend the day at Seven Peaks Water Park and the night at mi favorito restaurant, Shanghai! I'm so excited I can barely contain myself, now if the weather just contains itself and provides a nice sunny day for us, I'll be thrilled. Sorry for the incredibly long post but here are some pictures to accompany it. :) Love is all I need.
Couple of freaks... In love.

Our fancy little dinner. :)


The cutest. :)

See the Forbidden Forest I made? Marshal
deserves the credit for the rest haha.

If only you saw the editing I had to do on this...


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