Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Okay so truth is, I'm beyond busy. In fact, this blog is not simply for fun and to waste time but for a project in my Education 3000 class. Maymester may kill me. As if three hours of class a day wasn't bad enough, throw in approximately three hours of homework a day on top of it. Then add three to five hours of "work" (I love my job) everyday and there's barely time to sit down and eat much less sleep. Don't take this as me complaining though, I absolutely love it. I think I'm meant to always be busy, I thrive in chaos. I love knowing that there's always something I could be doing especially while Marshal is in St. George all week. This class is already better than I expected it to be and just in the last two days, it's gotten me unbelievably excited for my future as a teacher. The readings from the textbook actually interest me for once and we have more hands-on projects to get the feel for teaching; the real deal. Next week, our class is doing a practicum and CVMS which I am sooooo nervous for but at the same time, I can't wait! I'm just glad that the further I get into my major, the more excited I get and the more reassured I am that I chose the right one. I never thought that I could possibly look forward to getting into harder and harder college courses but I get antsy just thinking about it. Once I finish these grueling three weeks and I feel like I can do anything in the world, I'll be even more excited to keep going. Not a ton of people can say that and I feel so lucky that I've known for a long time what I want to do with my life and I'm not going to stop until I get there. I'm liking this blogging thing already. :) Now back to work...

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