Thursday, May 19, 2011

Busy Bee

I feel like I've been running around like a maniac the past couple of days. I've gotten so much done but there's still so much to do. Yesterday after class I did homework for two hours and called it quits. Then I went to visit my cute Aunt Nickie (the best person to gossip with) for a few hours until Lady and I headed to St. George to escape the freakin' snow and see the man we love most. :) It was a much needed visit to say the least. We had some pizza for dinner and then went bowling at Dixie Bowl. That brought back so many memories and thinking about it even more now makes me want to cry. I used to go bowling there every Tuesday with my Dad. It was my favorite tradition and it was so fun to watch him hit high scores, I even still have the paper with the printed scores of my first game to hit 100. I miss him so much but we'll save that for another day. I kicked Marshal's butt for the first time ever! 156 to 141 was our first game and we won't talk about the second one haha. Then since we played by Marshal's rules and he bought bowling, winner bought glaciers at Larson's Frostop. That was me just to clarify. ;) I had no idea what a glacier was but they were delicious! It's a slushie with vanilla ice cream in it, sounds disgusting right? It was sooo yummy despite the trillions of calories I'm sure it contained. My favorite part of the night came next, we just drove around and talked. I miss being able to talk face to face everyday so it meant a lot to me, I know it's weird. We talked about everything: school, work, memories and the future and I felt so at peace with it all afterwards. Then we went back to Marshal's dad's house and took care of his poor sunburnt neck. It's so bad that the whole back of his neck is one big scab and he can't even turn his head! It's sad but yuck! I had to be back for class at nine this morning so being the wet mops that we are, we were out like ten minutes after that haha. In class today we finally got the layout for our lesson plan that we have to create so we can teach six other students a "mini lesson" and mine is one Monday! My topic is reaching out to diverse students and I'm actually pretty excited about it, except for my fear of speaking in front of others that I REALLY need to get over. I would continue on but I just got the best surprise ever! Marshal just came home and is working here in Cedar tomorrow!  :) :) :) :) I have the best boyfriend in the world, in case you were wondering. I love him so much. :)

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