Friday, May 20, 2011

Almost There!

Today starts the countdown, only four more days of class for Maymester! I can't believe I've almost made it but I really can't believe how much I've learned in such a short time. It's been a great course and I've loved every day of it. The only assignment I really have left is my mini lesson that I'm almost done preparing for and the last part of my final. Woo! If only it was the end of summer school... My next classes start May 31st and I have a feeling they're going to be a lot of work. I have two online classes and an elementary math class for the month of June. We'll see how that goes. In the mean time, if I'd just buck up and take my application to the Education office, I'll be in the college! That thought scares me though so I've been putting it off. In other news, I get to spend the whole weekend (including last night) with my cutesie boyfriend. :) We're planning on taking a little ride out to Pine Valley to visit his adorable grandparents and explore a little, it's soooo pretty out there! Then one of Marshals's best friends is having his farewell on Sunday so to church we go and I'm hoping Marshal will have the urge to barbecue that night. :) I hope you all have a great weekend too!

These are my visual aids for my mini lesson on diversity. :) Cute huh!

My final project. Each crayon has an element and how I'd implement it in the classroom.

Life is good. :)

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