Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Lovely Love

Okay, I hope to keep this thing updated throughout the summer with all of our adventures and camping trips that we plan to take but for now I'll just let everyone (probably just Brianne and Alexa my newest follower!) know how good I have it. Marshal Sip-- I never thought we'd end up together but turns out, there's no one I could be more compatible with. I'll spare you the mushy lovey details but he's perfect. He makes me laugh at least once a day and always keeps me wondering what's next. He talks to himself and makes lots of weird noises all the time and I Love it. It's nice for it to never be completely silent in our house. :) He cares about me more than anyone else and it's seems as if he's willing to do anything to keep me happy which I know can be a huge task at times. He may have a few iffy family members but he wouldn't be the same without them. A lot of people think they have the most perfect relationship but truth is, there's no such thing. We argue and we disagree but we never stay mad for very long. I just can't be mad at his cute face. :) I think we're one of the strongest couples out there for making through what we have, living apart for four months was definitely the hardest thing I've ever done and I think he would agree. It was miserable but I owed it to myself to go to college with my friends and get that experience and it has made our relationship much stronger. Now he works in St. George all week and even though I'm home, it's just no where near the same. We have the cutest apartment ever but it's nothing without him, after all it's just me and the pup. I love where our life together is headed though, we have so much to look forward to, I just wish it could be easier right now! It's awful not seeing him all week but it's only for a couple more months, let the count down begin. In the mean time, we both try to keep ourselves busy and of course talk on the phone regularly and that's the only way I get through my days. On the other hand, our weekends are always great. We make the most out of what little time we have with each other and rarely argue because it's just not worth it. With summer starting, we're planning camping trips for most of the weekends and I can't wait! We bought a little tent, sleeping bags and all the supplies we need. We're meant for camping and Lady lovesss being outside. Marshal is the perfect person for all of this, he's a great cook and he keeps me feeling safe. :) I really, honestly could not ask for more in a man. He even wants to wait for marriage! Who thought I could find someone like that in Utah? Not me but I have and I'm the luckiest girl in the world. He's so determined and doesn't stop until his best work is done, he might be somewhat of a perfectionist. :) Oh! And he even paints my nails, and he's damn good at it. To sum it up, he's my everything and he makes life worth living for a dramatic effect haha. I wish he knew how incredible he is but I think with time, as things start coming together he'll catch on. I love him and I know it's a forever thing. It's just gotta be. I don't doubt that there will be multiple posts bragging about him but that's all for now. In other news, my best friends are coming today! I even have all my homework done ahead of time so we can gossip, laugh, and hang out all night long like old times. I'm sooooo excited. :) Maybe someday I'll figure out how to post pictures on this thing so everyone can see how cute my boyfriend and friends are. Until probably tomorrow... Sayonara!

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