Monday, May 16, 2011

My twins :)


I don't have much time to write so let me apologize in advance for cutting this post that deserves to be pages long, short. These are the best friends I could ever ask for. Alexa and Brianne came to visit this last week and it was so nice to be able to hang out with them again. We had a couple lunch dates at Pizza Factory, did some shopping and finally just got to hang out like old times. It's crazy how much I've missed them and I still think it's so weird not seeing them everyday. We've been inseparable for five years and I wouldn't trade a single memory of them for the world. From swim meets to watching Maury in the basement to taking way too many naps (our favorite pass time :) to making the big move to the city together, they've been by my side and we've helped each other through it all. There's no way I would've made it through high school without them to keep me laughing until I cry. They're the most charismatic girls I'll ever meet and no one will ever compare to them. Brianne; the motivated, simple, helpful girl. She always knows what to say and how to say it. She makes me feel more confident in all of my decisions and never hesitates when I ask for advice. She'll listen no matter what and because we're so much alike, she's often going through the same issues or already has and knows how to deal. She's got spunk and a little sass and she definitely knows how to use it. She always stands up for herself and others and doesn't let a whole lot get to her. I so wish I could be more like her in that sense. She's ripped and could totally take me down with one arm although I don't care to prove that true. ;)  I owe her so many more "thanks" than I could ever give and I love that I can count on being close with her for the rest of my life. Alexa; the dolled up, unpredictable, go to girl. She's adorable and so fancy everyday, I envy it. Whenever we talk, it's like we haven't even been apart for a minute. I love that she makes so many jokes and I, for one, can't help but laugh at every one of them. She loves the glitz and glam and it shows in her perky personality. As long as she's had her nap for the day, she's up for just about anything unless it's bowling. ;) Her and Kyle are so cute together and it's obvious that they're in love. I love that we can chit chat about couple things and I love listening to all of her stories. I've learned to usually side with her and ALWAYS let her win board games. :) She's a cute little ball of fire and truthfully, I admire her for the things she's been faced with and been able to come out on top of. I know she'll be there for me no matter what and I hope she knows it goes both ways. I could list a million adjectives describing them but there's no way I'd come close to covering it. They're hilarious, gorgeous, and My best friends. The only thing I would change about them is where they live.

Now, tomorrow I have my practicum at the middle school and I'm Freakinggg Out! Although, I did buy the cutest, fanciest outfit ever for it. :) I'm so nervous but sooo excited to actually be in the classroom. I don't doubt that it'll be an eye opening experience but I think I'll love it except for the waking up at 6:30 part of it. Must. Get. Some. Sleep.

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